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Bucky pov

My whole felt fuzzy, almost like I was out of focus. I couldn't feel anything, forced to lay on what I hoped was concrete without moving. It was a while before I could even open my eyes a sliver.

The room I was in was completely made of metal, shinning in the bright lights coming from a barred window in the door. I was laying right next to the wall to the right of the door, my back to the rest of the room. I flopped my head to the side to try and see the rest of the room. What I saw made my heart skip a beat.

The rest of the team was piled into the room, only living small pieces of the floor open. They all seemed asleep until I saw Steve. He looked about how I felt, eyes lidden but open and looking right at me.

"Steve?" I managed to struggled out as I woke up more and more.

"Where are we?" He asked. He was waking up faster than I was. I struggled to shrug my shoulders, but he seemed to get the idea. 

Groans began to fill the room as more and more of us woke up. Steve managed to push himself into a sitting position, rubbing his temples and glancing around. The two of us helped the others sit up against the walls, trying to get them to keep their eyes open.

"What's going on?" Natasha mumbled, glaring at the door.

"We know about as much as you do," I replied, sitting next to her. 

We all jumped when a screen lit up across the room. Clint and Wanda scrambled away from the wall that they were leaning on, which was now filled with static. 

"What the hell?" Tony whispered, frowning. "What's that?" We all stared in silence, waiting for something else to happen. 

Soon, it formed a picture that seemed to be this room, but it was empty. Before we could say anything about it, a girl was shoved into the room. She was small, seeming to be around 7 or 8, and had brown hair.

"Hello?" She called out, standing up. "What's going on?" We all watched in silence as she stood up and stumbled around the room with her arms out in front of her. 

"Is she blind?" Steve asked, squinting at the screen.

"I think so," I mumbled back, not being able to pull my eyes away.

Soon after that, five other older girls were added to the cell. They swarmed the smaller one, talking to her and trying to calm her down. The others were so skinny, they looked like walking skeletons and were covered in bruises and cuts. 

The scene cut to the five girls wandering around the room looking nervous, but the little girl was missing. That's when the screaming started. We all flinched as the girls on the screen ran to the door, trying to see what was going on. They were all pushed back by the door swinging open and the child being thrown in again. Except, this time, she was covered in blood. Her mouth was stretched so wide, I thought her mouth was going to break in half. 

The girls, were all around her, holding her and trying to get her to eat. She seemed to be in too much pain to do anything. We all had to watch as bones cracked and skin ripped on her sides and back. Arms and wings covered in blood stretched as the child passed out, tears drying on her small face.

"Regenerator," Wanda said in awe, her eyes growing wide. We all nodded but didn't turn our eyes away from the screen. That's when something unexpected happened.

The girl had stopped moving, but her breathing was steady. This let the girls step back looking relieved. Their eyes grew wide and they jumped back to her side, making me look back at the child. Her hair was slowly turning white, the brown fading down being eaten by the other color. My jaw dropped when her eyes opened, revealing bright blue eyes. We all realized who that girl was at the exact same time.

It was Celeste.

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