Asgard Day 4: Part 4

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I don't really remember landing. It was more like I regained my senses and realized that I was sitting in some random meadow somewhere. Don't ask me how I even got there.

I looked around, knowing enough to know I was still on Asgard. Eh, that was good enough. I collapsed onto my back, eyes fixating on the bright sky above me. No matter what happened, I always loved looking at the sky. Maybe it was just because I had spent so long not being able to see it. 

I heard someone walk up to my on my right making me jerk up in fear. "Sorry," Thor mumbled. "I didn't mean to scare you." I breathed out a sigh of relief, just happy it wasn't someone who wanted to hurt me.

"No, it-it's fine," I stuttered, my eyes darting around to slow my racing heart. Thor sat down quietly next me, just sitting and not saying a word.

"Sorry about everything," he finally said with tears in his eyes. "I didn't realize that this was going to happen and-"

"It's not your fault," I whispered, cutting him off. "I don't blame anyone but them." The word came out practically dripping with venom. Even after everything, I couldn't stop my emotions from running wild.

"You should," Thor whispered. I turned to look at him, seeing tears in his eyes. "We should've know or seen that they were up to something. We should've helped you." I just shook my head.

"I used to blame you, all of the Avengers. I used to hate you and hated everything about you. And it wasn't for not finding us or not seeing what was wrong, it was for giving us so much false hope." I dug my fingernails into my arms, the sharp pain keeping me grounded. "They would say 'don't worry, Iron Man will save us!' or 'did you hear about Captain America coming back?' They believed in you. All of those kids thought you would come for them, but you never did. We were just a few more poor kids who went missing. I went back later, to look at police reports for the names I could remember. Most of them weren't even reported missing, and those who managed to get one were marked as runaways. I'm sure most were sold like me, but those sick bastards clearly just took whatever they could get.

"And the more time I spent around you guys, the more I realized that it wasn't your fault. How could you have known? What more could you have done? I mean, I wish you could've stopped it, but I don't blame you for not knowing. Hating you hurt me more than it helped. Yeah, it pushed me to do what I do, to be better than you, but it was wrong. I know that now. They are the only ones to blame. Not you. Not................" I had to pause to take a deep breath. "And not me.

"For the longest time, all I could do was hate and now................... I barely know who I am anymore."

"Well, that's easy to answer." Thor chuckled. "You're Celeste, savior of Asgard and friend to all. I can't think of a better person to be friends with." I smiled at his words, and, for the first time, i was able to breath. 

Hey, I know this is a short chapter but I wanted to get it out so that I could at least do something productive. I haven't abandoned the story I swear!!! I have a plan, it's just about getting the motivation to write it all out. Anyway, thank you to anyone here!!!


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