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Celeste pov

I blinked my heavy eyes open in the bright lights. I could hear Wade and Peter talking out of my line of sight, so I sat up to look at them. I felt, well, still like shit, but better I guess.

"What's going on?" I asked, my throat scratchy. They both jumped and snapped back around to stare at me. 

"You're awake!" Peter shouted before rushing over to the couch. He practically jumped on me, smothering my face into his shoulder as he hugged me.

"Wow, so observant," I chuckled and hugged him back. I could feel him frown, making me laugh harder.

"You should be nicer to the people who traced your call!" I pulled away sharply, staring into his eyes.

"You found where they are?" I blurted out, feeling a shred of hope bloom in my chest. Peter and Wade both shared a quick look, making me worried. "What? What happened?"

"Well, it was almost too easy?"

"What the hell does that mean?"

"It means," Wade interjected, "that we think its a trap for you." I snorted, standing up.

"Trust me. The only way they were able to keep me there was keeping me weak and, even then, it was a struggle. Now, they won't stand a chance."

"They won't be able to contain you-"

"But they could hurt them!" Peter interrupted, looking stressed and sad. I bit my lip, trying to think a way around the problem, but, apparently, they had already thought of it.

"Peter broke into their systems a while ago and we've been watching the building. They were all in the same room until like an hour ago when they were moved into their own separate rooms. Now, if you burst in on the opposite side of the building and cause a distraction, then the two of us can get in and get everyone out." I stared at Wade for a second, thinking it over.

"Yeah, that sounds like it'll work." I paused before realizing something about what he said. "Wait why are they in different rooms?" I don't know why I asked. I knew the answer. The look on Wade's face only confirmed my suspicions. "Damn it. Then we need to book it! How fast can you guys get ready?" The boys looked at each other, then back at me. 

"We just need to get dressed," Peter shrugged while he spoke.

"Well then, go get dressed and lets go!" They both looked warry, but I ignored them. If we were going to make this work, we needed to leave now.

I rolled my shoulders, bones cracking as I stretched out my extra limbs. It felt good to be whole again. I glanced back to see the horrified face of Peter and Wade smiling at him in amusement. 

"What are you waiting for?" I snapped. "Go get ready!" They both scrambled away as I laughed. I let my suit roll up my body, shaking out my wings at the same time. My helmet clamped shut, the screen on the inside lighting up. 

"Welcome back you bitch!" Spat Lilith, clearly angry. 

"Yeah yeah," I laughed, rolling my eyes. My voice was back to the garbled sound, echoing loudly through the room. "Don't start now. We have work to do." She didn't respond, so I assumed she had agreed. 

I jumped around when the elevator doors dinged and opened. I was prepared to fight, but instead I laughed. Inside of the elevator sat Salem, who looked very proud of herself. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked, picking her up. She seemed to still recognize me even with the suit. I sat her down next to Pepper, who was still sleeping soundly. "Protect her," I whispered, gently stroking her back. "I'll be back later, ok?" She meowed at me before curling up with her head on Pepper's left arm. "Good girl," I muttered before walking away.

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