Universe One: Part Three

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"What do you mean?" Rachel asked frantically. "Is he not here?"

"Well, shit" I mumbled, staring at my hands. What the fuck just happened? I began to pace. trying to figure this out.

"Look around, see if he just ran," Dick said, causing everyone to split up. I knew he didn't just run, I did something, and I needed to figure out what.

Ok, so every other time I had felt like that, something blew up. So, what about this was different. Maybe this new universe messed with my powers, but I didn't feel any different. Everything else was still the same.

Did the fight with Thanos change anything? But I didn't think any of the power stuck with me, I got rid of it when I ended up here.

My eyes grew wide when I realized what happened. The goddamn stone. An infinity stone. Oh shit. "Purple was power, yellow was soul, green was mind.....wait. Green was time and mind was yellow, so what was soul? Blue? No, it was orange. Red was reality so blue had to be space." That made so much more sense.

So, if I did what I just think I did, I just teleported this man to some random place that is, hopefully, still on this Earth. Well, at least that means there's a chance he's not dead.

"I got nothing," Dick said as he walked back into the room. He took one look at me and froze, his brows drawing together. "What?" I winced, glancing away.

"I might have an idea of what happened."

"Ok, then where's Hank?"

"I said I might know what happened, not that I knew where he was." He threw his hands in the air and turned away from me. There was a moment of silence as he stared at the wall, ignoring me. "Look," I began, hoping to get this moving a bit faster. "I don't know where he is, but I can find him." Dick turned back to me, glaring slightly.

"Well then, go find him!" I rolled my eyes, folding my arms.

"It's not that easy. I need some of his DNA."

"What does that even mean?"

"Just get me something of his and I'll figure it out from there." Dick just stared at me, his jaw tightening. "Do you want this guy back or not?" He finally wandered away to get me something I could use. I blew out a worried breath, chewing on the inside of my cheek. The more I thought about it, the more hopeful I felt. I had the space stone, the thing that could take me anywhere, who's to say that it couldn't take me back home.


Turns out, he was 15 blocks over, very confused. He had started walking back toward the tower by the time I got there, so I just let him walk back. It would be too much effort to try and bring him back through other methods, plus way more dangerous that way. I waited by the elevator for him to get back so that I didn't have to go back up empty handed. I really didn't want to try and explain yet because I wasn't quite sure myself.

"What the hell just happened?" He demanded, glaring at me. "One minute I'm upstairs in the tower, the next I'm a million blocks away."

"I'm not entirely sure....."

"Well then give me your best fucking guess because this making no sense."

"Wait until we get upstairs. I really don't want to have to explain this more than once." He huffed an angry sigh but didn't argue.

As we stepped out of the elevator, we were immediately swarmed with people.

"What happened?"

"Where were you?"

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