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I checked the photo again, glancing at the girls face. I had gotten the photo from the police chief when I stopped by. The mother had been hysterical and kept trying to hug me. She had given me a hairbrush that had belonged to Candace so I could get her DNA. From there, it was only a matter of searching the city for the match of it. I had narrowed down the search to a warehouse after flying around for an hour. I had seen members of the Avengers running around the city, looking for me, but they never got more than a glimpse. I made sure of that.

I slipped down the side of the building and landed quietly on one of the windowsills and pushed open the window. Loud cheering filled my ears as I climbed into the giant room. I sat down on the beams of the roof, looking down on the crowd of people. They were circled around....... oh god. They were all around a fighting ring with two kids in it. I saw Candaces bright red hair in the pit, but I didn't recognize the other kid. He had dark hair and tan skin that was pulled right over his bones. It looked like he hadn't eaten in days.

"The other boy is Ben Woodworth. He went missing three months ago." I felt myself shake with fury. If only I had been showed the case earlier. I could have stopped all of this. The chief had to talk to me more.

"Lilith, call the chief and tell him to send as many ambulances and police cars as he can find."

"On it." I clenched my fists tighter, preparing to drop down on their heads. Raising my head, I let out a loud shriek that echoed painfully off of the walls. Everyone froze.

"Regenerator!" Candace cheered, looking up. I screamed again before dropping down, using my wings to slow my fall. That's when the entire room erupted into panic. People were running around and screaming as they struggled to escape me. Some even pulled out guns, but I forced them to explode before they could go off. I threw my hand out, making all of the doors and windows slam shut and lock. The screams intensified as people realized that there was no way out. I didn't worry about them because there was no way for them to get out.

"You found me!" Ben yelled, running to the edge of the ring. I smiled at his enthusiasm.

"Yes, I did." His smile grew as I reached out and pulled both him and Candace out of the pit.

"Are we going home now?" Candace asked me, her eyes wide.

"As soon as I clean up here, yes." I turned back to the group of panicking criminals, walking slowly toward them. They screamed and tried to push at the door again, but only succeeding in crushing some people against the doors.

"The police chief is outside and ready when you are," Lilith said, with a hint of amusement in her voice. I threw out my hands and the doors flew open, sending everyone tumbling outside and into the waiting arms of the police.

"Wow!" Both Ben and Candace said, their voices filled with amazement.

"Come on," I laughed, "let's get you guys home!"


After giving the two kids to the police, I had taken my reward from the chief and quickly flown away. Honestly, I could have asked for anything from them and probably could've gotten it, but I settled for 20 bucks and a McDonald's sandwich. I quickly changed back into regular clothes and ate my food while walking back to the tower. If was finally morning and if I needed to sleep, there were plenty of couches to choose from.

Per usual, I was almost killed by Nora barreling out of the elevator.

"Sorry!" She called over her shoulder as the doors shut and I began to move up. I hadn't realized it was possible, but I was even more hungry and tired than before. All my adrenaline had worn off and that tiny sandwich did next to the nothing with my fast metabolism.

"Celeste-" Lilith began before I cut her off.

"I'm fine!" I snapped at her, still angry about yesterday. She went quiet again, which never was a good sign, but I honestly was to tired to care. I leaned up against the wall of the elevator, shutting my eyes for a second.

The elevator jolted me awake as it stopped. I groggily stumbled out of the elevator before I realized there were other people in the room.

Not interns, but the fucking Avengers. I glanced around to see that Lilith can contacted her "friend" again to bring me up here. I looked back at them to see them all staring at me, so sneaking out wasn't an option. The only thing that seemed to fit this situation was one word.


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