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Both Bucky and I were standing silently in the elevator, waiting for it to reach the right floor. I had eaten the Nutella he had given me earlier, so I should have enough energy to last for a while longer. 

"Why did I agree to this?" I groaned, glaring at Bucky. "You fucker. You sneaky, sneaky fucker." He laughed gently before pulling something out of his pocket. 

"Gum?" He asked, offering a piece to me. He must have noticed my confused look because he smiled and responded quickly. "Stark hates when people chew loudly around him. Do me a favor and annoy the living shit out of him." Grinning, I took a piece and popped it into my mouth.

"Will do, Buckster." Now it was his turn to glare at me.

"You know I hate it when you call me that." I snapped a bubble loudly in his face as the doors whooshed open. 

Almost everyone was around the kitchen table, staring at me. I stared right back, raising one eyebrow. A few of them looked away shyly, others smiled, but one just kept on staring. Black widow, also known as Natasha. I walked into the room, my boots clicking on the floor. 

"Like what you see?" I asked looking right at her and winking. Steve's mouth fell open as I popped my gum again. "I'm here for Stark. Anyone know where he is?" No one answered me, causing me to roll my eyes for what felt like the millionth time today. "Hello? Are you all brain dead?" This was such a sucky day, but it will all be worth it for my own place. Well, not comletely my own, but it was close enough.

"Guys, I'm sure you've already met Celeste." Bucky said, getting a few nods. "She's here to talk to Tony. Can someone tell us where he is?" More silence. 

"This is dumb." I muttered, crossing my arms. I was getting very annoyed. 

"Oh, hey!" A voice called out behind us. I cringed, recognizing it immediately. Stark was here. I turned around slowly, uncrossing my arms to rest them on my hips.

"Hello." I said in the most flat voice I possessed. I had only been here for a minute and I was over all of this. 

"Tony, this is Celeste. She agreed to a meeting." I stared at the man in front of me, angry that Bucky had dangled those god damn keys in front of my face.

"Great! Follow me!" He turned around and walked off. I looked at Bucky and he gave me an apologetic smile before I followed Stark down a hallway. When the three of us reached a door with a face scanner, we stopped. 

"Not you, just her." He pointed at me while motioning for Bucky to leave. Before he left, Bucky mouthed, "I'm sorry." I closed my eyes and just thought about the keys in my pocket. I just needed to think about the keys.

We both walked into the lab, me slightly dragging my feet. I snapped another bubble as Stark shut the lab door. 

"So, how did he get you here?" He asked. "I know you clearly weren't itching to come here, so what did he bribe you with?" I raised an eyebrow as I chewed on the gum louder, causing him to wince slightly.

"These." I pulled the key from my pocket and jangled them directly in front of his face. 

"Car?" He seemed surprised. "Huh, I never thought you were the type to-"

"Apartment," I said, cutting him off. "I don't need a car." I crossed my arms before wandering around the lab. I whistled at all of the equipment in here, some things I had been looking for for months. 

"I always thought metal man was into guys, but I guess you would do." I spun on my heel and glared at him.

"Haha, so funny. I've never heard something that could make me laugh harder. I mean, where do you even come up with this stuff. It's sooo good and original and-"

"I get the point," Stark chuckled as he smirked at me. I raised one eyebrow in response. "Ouch. I shoulda known you were a feisty one, especially from this morning." I ignored and began to look around the lab again.

"So, why am I here? Some sort of secret murder plot to kill the rest of the Avengers? Oh, I know! You're looking out for your new son! Or maybe, your just a creep. I like that last one." I ran my fingers along the side of the wall, letting my nails lightly scratch the surface. Stark winced again at the noise. 

"No. I just wanted to get a better look at the girl who hacked FRIDAY and managed to fix Bucky's arm on multiple occasions."

"You act like its complicated."

"For most people it is."

"I'm not most people, am I," I tapped on a wrench that was sitting out on the table, letting the sound echo through my ears. "That's why I'm here."

"You're very observant. You want a cookie?" I glared at him before picking up the wrench. 

"Sure, and how about a sandwich as well." I sat down in a chair and put my feet up on the table. "Don't worry, I don't mind waiting." I smiled at his red face as I tossed the wrench and caught it on its way down. 

"Hilarious," he said in a deadpan voice.

"I'm glad you agree. I was kind of worried you wouldn't get the joke." I stood up again, setting the wrench back down on the table. "So, what do you want to know?"

"Well, its not exactly what I want to know. Its what I want to ask you." I walked closer, smirking with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Oh yeah? And what's that?"

"How do you feel about coming to work for me as my personal assistant?"


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