41: Asgard Day 3 part 1

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Sorry about the wait. It took forever to build up the mental energy to write.

tw: gore, and (I'm not sure what to call it) breakdown, I think. That one isn't too graphic though

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I blinked my eyes open, glancing around to the room to figure out where I was. Right, still in Asgard. I turned my head to the side to see Fraida again. Well, this has been a very weird couple of days. 

I stuck my hand out and managed to grab my phone and bring it my ear. "Hello?" I asked groggily, my voice rough with sleep.

"Celeste!" Tony shouted, sounds of explosion's in the background. "Get your ass down here now!"

"What's going on?"

"I've called you like twenty times! Hydra has Peter. We found where they were holding him, but we lost the element of surprise. We need your help!" I blinked, trying to get my brain to work again. "Celeste!" Tony screamed, making me jump.

"Yeah, ok, give me a second." I could hear him start to yell again, but I just hung up. 

I managed to sit up, my whole body feeling exhausted. The darkness of memories pressed heavily on the back of my eyelids, but I managed to push them back far enough to stand.

"Celeste?" Fraida whispered, her eyes opening slowly. I gave her a small smile, trying not to breakdown. Peter needed me. I couldn't let him down. 

"I'll be back in a minute, I promise." She look concerned, but returned my smile. I let my suit crawl over myself and reached out with some of my atoms. They quickly found where Tony was, so I used him as an anchor and teleported to them. 

I reformed in the middle of the battle, gun shots ringing loudly in my ears. I could feel all of the emotions that I had pushed away for days flooding through me. Power soaked through my bones as shot toward the ground. 

"Celeste!" Tony called over coms, but I ignored him. If he wanted my help, he would have to do it my way.

I slammed into the ground on my feet, power surging out of me in all directions. I watched soldiers shoot into the sky, landing heavily in pools of blood. I managed to allow for it to avoid the Avengers, making them all turn to me.

I turned my fury against the huge building in front of me. I could feel the quick heartbeat of Peter almost in the center of it. I curled a gentle field around him so he wouldn't get hurt from what I had planned. 

"Celeste?" I could hear Wade whisper, but I didn't even turn to him. I drew up every horrible thing to the front of my mind, screaming as it rolled through me. I turned my focus to the building and shoving it all out of me and into it. 

I watched as the building was pushed apart, soaring across the field in a pile of bricks and blood. Metal twisted and mangled held part of it together and stuck out of the ground as sharp spikes. My chest heaved as I surveyed the damage I had caused. 

The building was now almost just dust with white bits of bone mixed in. The floor was the only thing remaining besides a chair with a brown haired boy sitting in it. I could hear people shouting and running around me, but it didn't register all the way. Without those strong emotions, I just felt cold and empty. Like there was something missing. 

I watched as everyone ran forward and swarmed around Peter, crying or yelling to get him out of the chair. I just turned around and began to walk away. I wanted Fraida back.

More garbled words were shouted at my back as I dissolved and shot into the sky. I couldn't bring myself to care in the slightest about anything else. I felt like a shell of myself. 

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