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Celeste sat on top of a tall skyscraper, dangling her feet over the edge. She smiled behind her black helmet as she surveyed the sunrise. She had always loved this part. The way that the sun rose making her fell alive again. She was jolted out of her thoughts by quiet footsteps behind her.

"I know you're there," she said, the voice modifier shifting her voice around to make it unrecognizable. She could hear quiet swears from behind her.

"Just dropping in to say hello!" Captain America said, sitting down beside her. Celeste snorted.

"Yeah right! What is it this time?" He sighed.

"Look, we need your help. Like permanently. Not this drop in and out thing we are currently doing where you do missions with us, but become an Avenger." Celeste burst out laughing, the voice modifier making it come out really creepy.

"No way. I do my own thing. I don't want you and your team telling me what to do and holding me back!" The Captain sighed.

"Then you leave us no choice......" He said as something fell from the sky. It smelled of metal and was falling quite fast. Celeste sighed as she slid off the edge of the building.

"Catch me if you can, old man!" She screamed as she threw out her wings and took off, laughing loudly. All six of her arms stretched out as she shot through the city. This was the only time she could stretch out her extra limbs. She heard the tin can following her, screaming at her to stop.

"We only want to help!" Celeste laughed again before snapping her wings closed, causing her to free fall. Just before she splatted on the pavement, she pulled them open again, soaring back up.

"Shit!" Screeched Tony as he almost hit one of the cars on the road below. Celeste quickly flew around a corner and hide behind a large dumpster. She heard lthe sound of Iron man taking off again in her direction, then he passed her, much to her relief. She closed her eyes as she let her tight, black suit sink into her skin. She could move molecules around, so she could make this disappear and reappear across the room with a flick of her wrist. Or, she could grow back body parts or heal things like bullet wounds, hence her name. She was a kick ass fighter too.

Celeste's extra arms and wings disappeared so she was only left with what she needed. She waved her hand to make her backpack appear so she didn't have to go look for it, but that proved to be a mistake. She leaned against a wall, dizzy and nauseous. She wasn't supposed to do a lot on an empty stomach because she needed to eat a lot to keep her alive, but she couldn't get food today. Her dad would have killed her for taking anything for breakfast, so she had to wait until lunch. She had just enough in her lunch account to last her the week, but she would get paid on Friday, so it was fine.

Celeste took off running, hoping she could make it to her bus stop before she missed it. Adrenaline still ran through her veins, giving her energy to make it, but she didn't know how she could make it all day with out falling asleep......


She smiled as she walked into the cafeteria. She had made it without much of an incident. Celeste had fallen asleep in science, but she could pass that class with her eyes closed. She walked slowly through the lunch line, grabbing her food as she went along. She smiled to the lunch lady as she punched in her pin. She had already begun to walk away when she heard it.

"Hey you! Get over here!" Celeste rolled her eyes

"Not this bitch again!" She thought to herself.

"Come here!" Katie screamed with vigor. Celeste knew nothing she could say to her would make Katie leave her alone, so decided it was best to just leave. She ran outside, shoving the sandwich into her mouth at the same time. She knew that it wouldn't be enough, but it was better than nothing.


Today was Wednesday, she made her way to her internship with Tony Stark. It wasn't directly with him, but it was for him so it was cool anyways. She had built a really complex AI named Lilith, which group had taken an interest in. So now she worked there as an intern, fixing up machines as they broke and sometimes writing new code for things. There usually wasn't that much for her to do, so she ended up working on her personal products most of the time. It was nice and peaceful there.

It was nice out, so she decided to walk there. Celeste didn't need to be there for a few hours, so she also had time to kill. She plugged in ear buds and she continued on her way, letting the music cover her and dull her senses for a few minutes.

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