Asgard Day 4: Part 5

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"Oh come ON!" I yelled, throwing my hands up. Thor and I had just gotten back to the palace only to find everyone had left again.

"I can't leave for a fucking HOUR without everyone loosing their SHIT!" I then proceeded to punch a wall.

"Well," Thor began, "at least they left us a note."

"Oh yeah," I snapped at him, running a hand through my hair. "Great job."

"It says that they had to go back to Earth to fight someone named...." He paused and raised the paper closer, trying to read a name. "Thanos. He has the infinity stones."

"Are those the rocks that used to be in the girls your dad has buried in the basement?" He glared at me for that.

"I do not like how you worded that, but yes." I rolled my eyes, grabbing the paper from him.

"Yeah, still fucking stupid." I groaned, slamming my face into the wall. "You couldn't have waited an hour until I got back. NOOOOOO, THEY HAD TO GO BE FUCKING IDIOTS!" I took a moment to calm down before turning to face Thor. 

"Alright, lets go fight some random guy named Thanos."


"What in the ever-loving FUCK are you DOING!" I screamed at Wade. He, along with the rest of the Avengers, were fighting a shit ton of alien looking things trying to get to the grape with the rock collection. 

"Saving the universe!" He yelled back, beheading another alien. "Where were you!"

"BUSY!" I was so full of anger, I couldn't keep it in anymore. I shoved it out with a loud scream, sending half the army flying away, dead. 

"You INCOMPETENT," another wave fell, "STUPID," I blew up the heads of serval more, "PIGHEADED MOTHERFUCKERS!" I sent a ship from the sky crashing into the group with a final shriek.

"I feel as though that was uncalled for," Wade retorted. 

"Fuck off," I snarled. "I'll fix this myself because you DICKHEADS can't seem to do a SIMPLE JOB!"

"Do you hear how she talks to me, readers? So rude!" Wade said, staring off into space.

"Who are you talking to now?!"

"No one important. Go ahead. I'm going to watch your murder rampage from here." I just shrugged off his words before charging off to fight the purple teletubby.


"Ya know," I began, punching an alien into a tree, "there are many more ways to take over Earth. Couldn't you pick something original? I'm getting really bored of the same old thing from you people." There was a slight pause until the failed power ranger turned toward me.

"I'm not trying to take over the world," Thanos began, swinging his sword at me. "I'm trying to save it."

"Could've fooled me!" I yelled, jumping into the air to avoid the blade. With a quick flap of my wings, I shot close to him, landing a hard punch to his face and darting away. "What is the goal here?"

He snarled at me, blood pouring freely from his nose. "I am-" I interrupted him by kicking his sword away while he was distracted.

"Yeah, I don't care. Please, just fuck off!" I kicked him across the field, watching him hit a tree hard enough to knock it over. "TEN POINTS!"

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