Chapter 17: Signed with Blood

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Author's Note: This chapter was written the day after the Abraham treaty was signed between Saudi Arabia and Israel. Most of the content from the chapter contract comes from this treaty. 

Later on...

"Jiu'er let's get ready for the meeting, there is a lot to do. Others are waiting for us."

"I'm ready." Feng Jiu resolved came back. Dijun just smiled at her determination. He felt so proud of her. "My little fox, is so brave", he thought to himself.

They all reached the meeting place before the rest of the Bai Clan arrived. Feng Jiu was sensing others coming nearby. "They're coming."

The Bais materialized along with Yehua and Zhe Yan and their guards. Not long after, Red Demon Lord Xu Yang, Green Demon Lord Yan Chiwu and their retinue appeared. They were surprised to see Crown Prince Ye Hua and Dong Hua Dijun with the Bais. Yan Chiwu felt glad to see his me me, he briefly smiled at her.

"Demon Lord Xu Fang greets all of his majesties' it is truly an honor to be here." He bowed to each one of them and the rest of the demon lords followed his greetings.

Bai Zhi conjured a large table and seats in the middle of the clearing. The waterfall gave them a peaceful scenario to start talking about heavy matters. "Please sit" Bai Zhi invited them.

"We are here to reach an armistice between our clans. It has been so long since we have sat down to discuss a formal agreement for the cessation of hostilities in an attempt to negotiate a lasting peace between our tribes. Crown Prince Ye Hua and his majesty Dong Hua Dijun were invited as witnesses to such agreement. Their interest is the same as ours. Hopefully a treaty can be signed today." Bai Zhi spoke.

"And since when his majesty Dong Hua Dijun meddles in Qing Qui's affairs?" Xu Yang asked.

"Lord Xu Yang, please do not misinterpret his Lordship presence here today. He is our honored guest and it will be wise for you to consider his valuable contribution bearing in mind that although he might be semi-retired, his influence in all realms is well respected. Let us begin our meeting with the common purpose that brought us all here." Bai Zhi responded.

"Very well Bai Zhi Dijun. Please forgive my imprudent comment." Lord Xu Yang apologized.

Feng Jiu conjured in her hand a scroll and gave it to her grandfather. "The following treaty has been written with the best interest to establish a peaceful relationship between our clans. I will proceed reading the document and then we will discuss any potential clauses that might be amended." Bai Zhi said.

"Please proceed Bai Zhi Dijun" Lord Xu Yang noted.

Qing Qiu Eastern Lands Monarchy and the Ruling of the Demon Clans Lands (hereinafter, the "Parties") Aspiring to realize the vision of region that is stable, peaceful and prosperous, for the benefit of all statuses and peoples in both regions.

Desiring to establish peace, diplomatic and friendly relations, co-operation and full normalization of ties between them and their peoples, in accordance with this Treaty, and to chart together a new path to unlock the vast potential of their realms and of the region;

Believing that the further development of friendly relations meets the interests of lasting peace in our regions and that challenges can only be effectively addressed by cooperation and not by conflict;

Determined to ensure lasting peace, stability, security and prosperity for both their positions and to develop and enhance their dynamic and innovative economies;

Reaffirming their shared commitment to normalize relations and promote stability through diplomatic engagement, increased economic cooperation and other close coordination;

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