Chapter 56: Seed of Doubt Part 2 Possibilities

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What is a secret? Something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others. Something kept from the knowledge of others or shared only confidentially with a few. Something taken to be a specific or key to a desired end. A private place or a matter. Implies a sly or cautious stealthiness. Infers secrecy usually for an evil, illicit, or unauthorized purpose and often emphasizes the fear of being discovered.


Back the Fox Residence....

Bai Zhi & Bai Rui were shocked upon hearing Weng Chan confession. "What nonsense are you spouting out now Lord Weng Chan!!!!!" Bai Rui shouted.

Bai Zhi was about to lose his temper again. He has heard enough. "Bai Yi son, tell me that what we heard is just some hooey that this crazy lad is saying."

Bai Yi remained silent staring at Weng Chan. He patted his shoulder. "Thank you."

"Are you serious?" Bai Zhi bellowed

"Father, mother; please hear me out. What I'm about to tell you it has to remain a secret."

"Speak quick, we are eager to know the truth" Bai Zhi annoyingly said.

"Long time ago on my younger days, when Qing Qui's army was fighting under the Shaoyan banner. At what time Dong Hua Dijun was the heavenly emperor trying to unify all the realms to achieve peace during Chaotic War Era, when you were one of Dijun's generals at that time. We were recruiting soldiers from all regions and I was assigned to go to Shīzi to recruit strong and capable men willing to fight for the cause. Do you remember this father?" Bai Yi asked.

"Of course, I do. The warriors from the White Lion tribe were some of the most ferocious and valiant men that we had the privilege to fight alongside with. They were fearless in battle." Bai Zhi replied.

"Yes, they were. Unfortunately, when the men returned from the war, they were ambushed by the enemy's war survivors and decimated most of them, including the men from Shīzi noble family. It was a great loss of brave warriors. Is still fresh in my mind the widespread trauma caused by these atrocities and conflicts, creating extensive stress and indirect negative consequences on infrastructure, supplies provision, and social order. Displacement or forced migration during that time of war adversely affected many realm communities. Many people fled their homes in fear of losing their lives and their families, and as a result, many refugees and asylum seekers from all realms came to Nine Heavens to be assigned a new residency. Those were really chaotic times."

"Undeniably, they were." Bai Zhi said.

"It was during my time assisting with the after-war effects that I met Lady Xibu Zu from the White Lion tribe. I fell in love with her at first sight father. Xibu Zu was the most beautiful woman that I had the privilege to be with. She was kind, courageous, bold, humble, and brave. She was always serving others. She dedicated most of her youth taking care of the needy. That was the trait that I admired most from her. I stayed here to assist her with her duties, it was then that we developed a deep relationship. When I was summoned to return to Qing Qui I promised her to come back. But you already made marriage arrangements for me to wed another out of duty. After some time, I went back to to look for her, but she hid from me heartbroken. I looked for her for a long time and never was able to find her. I'll never forgive myself for not being able to explain to her what really happened. She died in despair. All this time and I wasn't aware that she already had Weng Chan. It was until recently that I discovered that he is my biological son." Bai Yi said.

"Bai Yi, you were always causing trouble with your promiscuity and needed to settle down before your enthronement. If I would have known that you had chosen your mate, I wouldn't forced you to marry another regardless of the troubles we faced. Why you didn't say nothing about his matter back then?" Bai Zhi asked.

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