Chapter 72: Threads of Destiny

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Three Years Later...

A happy event was held at the Ten Miles Peach Blossom Forest

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A happy event was held at the Ten Miles Peach Blossom Forest. Zhe Yan and Feng Jiu's mother, Zhang Yu finally tied the knot. The happy couple exchanged the required bows and Bai Zhi Dijun blessed them as husband and wife. They held a private family gathering to celebrate their wedding reception. Feng Jiu was happy to see her parents getting the happiness they deserved. Her mother was radiant in her wedding attire. Zhe Yan was blissful at her side, not leaving her alone for a second. The Bai family returned to their rowdy fox behavior after their mourning period was over. Everyone was glad telling jokes eating and drinking as before. Feng Jiu was pleased to see everyone enjoying themselves again.

Dong Hua was captivated by the beauty of his beloved empress. He was staring at her from a distance drinking his tea. He knew that she was content. He internally smiled upon realizing that his brother in arms is now officially his father-in-law. "This is the weirdest family I have ever seen in my long existence" He thought gratified.

The little ones were having fun chasing each other thru the peach blossom flower fields. Gun Gun was having a race with his cousins Ah Li and .

"Gun Gun you are running too fast, slow down before you hurt yourself." Ah Li said.

"Not a chance!!" Little Gun Gun yelled back.

Xiao Shǎn Liàng was at Gun Gun heels when she tripped and fell. "Ooouchhh!!!" the little girl screamed.

Little Gun Gun stopped at his tracks when he heard his little cousin yelled in pain. "Are you okay Shǎn Liàng?"

Ah Li and Gun Gun were at her side. "I'm okay don't worry guys. I think I scraped my knee. If mother sees that I ruin my dress, she will be mad at me"

"But you are wounded Shǎn Liàng. Does it hurt?" Gun Gun asked her concern.

"It does."

"Let me see." Ah Li checked her knee. "You are bleeding. Why aren't you crying xiao me me?"

"Why would I cry? I'm not sad. The pain will go away." Shǎn Liàng replied to Ah Li.

"Here let me help you, I will make it better Shǎn Liàng." Gun Gun closed his eyes and placed his little hand on her bleeding knee. Shǎn Liàng gasped surprised when little Gun Gun healed her.

"Wow, you are the best! Thank you Gun Gun ge ge." Ah Li helped her to get up, when she did Shǎn Liàng kissed little Gun Gun cheek, he was shocked upon feeling her soft lips on his face. She giggled afterwards and continued running around with Ah Li.

Gun Gun stood alone perplexed with Shǎn Liàng action. He felt a little excited, a little nervous, anxious and shy. So many contradicting emotions swirling deep inside. He placed his little hand on his cheek where he was kissed not understanding what he was feeling. He felt uncomfortable with himself frowning his little brows, but he only identified that it felt good at the end.

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