Chapter 4: An Unexpected Visit

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Everyone at the market were delighted to see their queen back. They all bowed and smiled at her. Offering her their best produce, the best pieces of meat, the best of everything. They were happy due to the upcoming wedding celebration; it was a great honor for Qing Qui people. The market was a lively place and Feng Jiu felt at ease being among her subjects. She studied their trade, surroundings, moods and saw great potential among her people for growth and development. She wanted to repay their kindness towards the Bai Clan for their many years of service to the royal family. She had some work to do after her aunt wedding.

While shopping for groceries, a tall young immortal noticed the queen, her beauty took his breath away. He could not contain his feelings, so he decided to approach her and introduce himself.

"Your highness Queen Bai Feng Jiu, what a great pleasure is to see her highness lovely presence today. My name is Cang Yi, from the Eagle Clan at Zhi Yue Mountains, it is a great honor for this humble servant to finally meet her highness in person." Cang Yi bowed to Feng Jiu.

Cang Yi was a tall young man, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. Feng Jiu noticed his handsome features. "Please rise, Lord Cang Yi" Feng Jiu told him. Migu sighed he knew Cang Yi has been inquiring in the past during her absence from Qing Qui about the queen. He wanted to meet her for a long time.

"Thank you, your highness." Cang Yi smiled at Feng Jiu. She noticed Cang Yi's smile, "hmm he has a nice smile", she thought.

Migu interrupted the awkward moment. "Your highness we should return, Gu Gu is waiting for us."

Cang Yi noticing that his time was cut short, decided to speak to Feng Jiu: "Your highness will you please concede me a few minutes of your precious time?" he pleaded.

Feng Jiu noticed that he was well behaved and couldn't send him away coldly, so she looks at Migu and said: "Please Lord Cang Yi speak, I need to return to my aunt, I have a busy agenda ahead of me. What can I do for you?"

"I would like to request an audience with your highness to discuss a proposed arrangement that was previously sent to your elders long time ago. I still yet had received a response." Cang Yi innocently replied.

"What kind of proposal?" Feng Jiu grew suspiciously staring at Migu hinting him to intervene.

"I understand that your highness is busy at this time, should we meet tomorrow evening at your fox den to discuss this matter in detail?" Cang Yi boldly proposed.

Before Feng Jiu could response, Migu interrupted again and said: "Her highness agenda unfortunately is full, she doesn't have an open space until further notice. We would gladly send a response soon." And with that he took Feng Jiu's arm and dragged her away from Cang Yi. Leaving him with a somber look on his face.

"What was that all about Migu, is there something that I missed when I was away?"

"Your highness, during your training at Kun Lun Mountain, many marriage proposals were received. Your father and grandfather are considering Cang Yi as your prospect prince consort but decided to wait until your return. He insisted on seeing you several times but was repeatedly refused. I am afraid he is here in Qing Qui to press the matter with the council elders. So, get ready for it your highness, because it seems that he will not easily be dismissed this time that he finally met you in person."

"Let's see about that, who do they think I am, a piece of property that can be sold as they pleased?" Feng Jiu started to strategically plan how to get out of this one without getting into trouble.

When they finally arrived at the fox den, Feng Jiu instructed Migu not to reveal Cang Yi encounter with anyone. He agreed to it, but admonished Feng Jiu to be careful. He knew Feng Jiu was up to something. He knew her so well. An unknown entourage sat at the cave entrance. Feng Jiu thought that it was for her aunt wedding preparations, so she did not paid attention to it. She went immediately to the kitchen to start dinner.

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