Chapter 47: Expectations

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Refocus on what you still got in your life. Move on, shift your focus to what you still got in your life. The people, the passions, and the things you sometimes may take for granted like a roof over your head and clean water. If you demand or expect perfection from yourself or from others, then you'll often be disappointed. Adjust your expectations.


Dong Hua was feeding her medicine. Feng Jiu could feel the bitterness of the liquid going down her throat. Three days have passed, and Feng Jiu was still resting. Dong Hua could sense her cultivation level was higher than normal. He saw her rapid eye movement and realized that she was dreaming. He entered her dream stage undetected to see what she was dreaming about.

Feng Jiu saw her mother when she was younger and pregnant with her when a powerful current run thru her body and she started her labor pains. 

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She saw how Zhe Yan was attending her birth

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She saw how Zhe Yan was attending her birth. She felt being held by Zhe Yan loving arms. Feng Jiu saw him crying. "My beautiful daughter, you are so lovely and powerful." She felt her forehead hot when Zhe Yan touched her. "There, there my darling, shhhh don't fret little one. Your powers are all sealed. You will grow up to be a delightful fox with a phoenix flower on your forehead. You are not ready yet sweetheart, when the time comes, I will undo your seal" Zhe Yan placed her into her mother arms. Her mother started to feed her. "This little one is a glutton" her mother dearly said. Feng Jiu felt her mother's warmth in her hands. She remembered the taste of her mother's breastmilk.

Next dream, she saw herself when she was a baby. 


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