Chapter 65: Judgement Day

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Being virtuous is as hard as driving a stubborn donkey uphill, while doing destructive things is as easy as rolling boulders downhill

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Being virtuous is as hard as driving a stubborn donkey uphill, while doing destructive things is as easy as rolling boulders downhill. It doesn't matter how patient, generous and wise we can be, if we can't overcome indolence, we'll never be able to benefit anyone. With heroic courage and perseverance, we become like warriors ready to face any internal or external battle in our quest to reach enlightenment and benefit all other beings.

"Jiu'er my love stay with me, come back to me little fox I need you. I can't let you go; I won't let you go, find your way back to me, to us.... I'm waiting for you..." Dong Hua pleading voice sounded like an echo thru the ripples of time and space, breaking through the great distance that fraught between them. Strewing deep into her inner self. His voice fainted away until she couldn't hear it no more.

Feng Jiu's soul was drifting further and further away, she felt being secluded and inaccessible to reach Dong Hua. Her subconscious was fully awake and functioning. She woke up to another dimension.

"Where am I?" She asked herself. She was in what it seems a white room surrounded by intense light. She touched her chest and found out that her wound strangely disappeared. The room carried some sense of serenity and quietness.

"Kneel." A strong voice startled her. It sounded like a roaring thunder. A cushion appeared out of nowhere in front of her.

"Where am I?" Feng Jiu asked.

"This is the Great Heavenly Council and you Bai Feng Jiu are being adjudicated."

"Am I dead?" Feng Jiu cautiously asked.

"Not exactly dead, but in between realms." The voice replied. Feng Jiu gasped, and quietly knelt understanding her predicament. It was her Judgement Day.

In an upper level hidden from Feng Jiu eyesight, a group of ancient immortals were carefully observing Feng Jiu's reactions. They could feel that she was scared but at the same time, she was tranquil. Willing to receive her sentence.

"Hmmm. This little one surely is special." The High Supreme Deity said.

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