Chapter 60 - Levi

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AN: Song inspired for this chapter: Hero by Enrique because Levi is Historia's hero 😍

I linger outside in the hall, waiting for my chance to attack.

Tch, the bastard's still on the telephone, gabbing away to God knows who, but I will use this to my advantage.

He's distracted after all. Now would be the best time to attack.

His voice is just as slimy as I remember, and there's a tiny part of me that almost doesn't want to step into the room. If not for the overwhelming brightness, but for the fear that that cold voice once induced in my young heart.

I wasn't exactly fragile back then. Kenny had trained me to survive in this cesspool of a city so that men like Wolfgang wouldn't have the upper hand over me, but I was still just a thirteen-year-old kid.

This mother fucker is a powerful individual. Maybe even more so than the nobles living on the surface.

But I have to attack. There is no time like the present, they say.

I just wish that insufferable buzzing would go away. Curse these heightened Ackerman genes of mine.

Historia has long left my mind. I no longer feel the gentle poke of her thoughts as I edge around the corner, peering into the room.

I almost miss the soft whisper of her feminine voice — a voice that placates my nerves and warms my cold heart whenever I hear it.

Historia may not realise it, but that wasn't the first time she saved me. In fact, the girl saves me every single day, and she really has changed my heart, reshaping it into a form I no longer recognise.

I have no idea how I managed to live without her all these years, and considering I was a brat of seventeen when she first drew breath, I've been around a while...

I'm no spring chicken anymore. Not like Historia, who has yet to see twenty.

Wolfgang chuckles, and the sound alone is enough to make my blood boil. I won't kill him. Not until I get the information I need. Then I will ditch this joint, reunite with Historia, and leave this hellhole forever.

No going back.

I reach my hand into my cloak, pulling out my sword as quietly as possible. It was different with the children; I could be as loud as I wanted since it was the metallic "chink" that those brats loved the most, but not here.

In fact, I bet it was Wolfgang who sold little Tilly off to the highest bidder, and my blood pumps faster when I envision those big, haunted eyes of hers.

He's a fucking dead man.

"So I look forward to the meeting tomorrow. Remember to bring the goods that I asked for. All right... goodbye..."

Shit. He's almost finished on that goddamn telephone. Time to move.

I slip into the room, just as the old bastard places the device onto a hook, and like a demon from the shadows, I creep up behind him, placing the cold tip of my sword against the stem of his brain.

Wolfgang freezes the moment he feels that ice-cold tip of my sword, and now I glare at the back of his frosted white head.

Fuck... he's gotten old. He once had a golden halo of hair with a beard to match, and I grind my molars at the irony.

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