Chapter 52 - Levi

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AN: Finally, we're going underground!

A new OC will be introduced. Someone from Levi's past. I hope you like her...

Song inspired for this chapter: Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Just change Alabama for the underground, and it's Levi going back home to the underground 😂

Our footsteps rebound off the grimy cave walls as Historia and I make our deep descent into hell.

Well, that's what it feels like. The closer we get to the earth's core, the hotter and stuffier it becomes, and soon the sweat's dripping from my balls.

We used one of the less popular stairwells. It was only manned by one guard, and once he saw our permits to enter the underground city (given to us by non-other than Nile Dok), he didn't even question us, despite the fact we look eerily similar to Captain Levi and Queen Historia...

Funny how much easier it is to get into the underground. No one in their right mind would come down here willingly unless they're my mum or Kenny, of course (but they had their reasons as Ackermans).

I bet the guards at the bottom of these stairs are much larger and scarier than the first.

Historia stays close to my side, and despite my trepidation, I smile. She's the only reason why I can find the courage to do this. This is all for her. I just want her to be safe and free from harm.

Well, she does have more fish to fry once we find who's been sending all these hitmen to take her out, but she still deserves to be happy.

I'll make absolute sure of it.

She places her warm hand on my shoulder as I warned her not to touch the dirty cave wall. It has moss and questionable grease growing all over it, so that's why she's using me to keep steady.

"How... how much farther?" she asks in a small, shaky voice.

I inhale deeply. "You'll know when you get that first whiff of fire and brimstone..."

I can't see her face in the dark, but I know she's scowling. "I'm serious. I need fresh air. I can't take this tight, cramped space any longer."

I judge the rest of the distance. There's a faint orange glow shining on the stone a few metres down. "About five more minutes, but I'm afraid you won't find fresh air waiting for you at the bottom of these stairs, Your Grace."

Historia sighs softly, and her breath tickles my undercut. "I figured as much."

We descend the rest of the way in silence. Historia's breathing becomes thin and shallow, and that tells me that we've arrived at our destination. The poor girl will just have to get used to the stale air of the underground if she hopes to make it through her first night.

It's been nine years, yet my lungs welcome the musty, damp air, despite the fact that I hate this place.

We reach the bottom at last, and Historia links my arm, terrified out of her mind. I draw another breath, wincing when I get the familiar taste of wet dog and shit.

Oh, how I've missed that stench...

Firelight flickers on the stone before us. The stairs have led us to the mouth of a cave, and slowly, I take my first step into hell. Or back into hell.

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