Chapter 37 - Hange

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A/N: Chapter 37! It's finally Hange's turn! Or Hanji, whichever spelling you prefer. I had fun writing this one. Hange and I are strangely alike, it freaks me out a little. You know, I do think the titans in AoT are rather beautiful, and I love science. So I feel she comes naturally to me. However, I do channel her more carefree side that we saw from season one. Not her post-season 3.

Song Inspired for this chapter: Biology by Girls Aloud because there's no escaping Hange's biology... or science 😂

I stare out of the window of a fancy suite within the palace, waiting for the queen to arrive. There's not much to report; I'm just merely here for a simple visit and to see my oldest pal, Levi.

I bet he's missing me...

It's been months since we've seen each other last, and December has already come around.

Which only means one thing...

Birthday celebrations!

Levi hates it when I get him gifts. It took me long enough just to sniff out his birthdate since he's always so secretive, but I found out in the end.

I still remember the time Erwin and Miche helped me throw him a party when he turned thirty, and Levi, being the typical party-pooper that he is, trashed the entire room, even going as far as to hack down all the banners baring the numbers three and zero.

Levi is never one to waste his blades over something so foolish. So he must have been pretty pissed.

He may not show it, but Levi is actually very sensitive about his age.

Which is a crying shame, because he's thirty-five this month. 

The door opens, and a dour guard enters the room. He's one of Zackly's men.

I wave my hand, smiling broadly. "Hey there! Hange Zoe. Pleasure to meet ya!"

The big oaf blinks at me once, no, twice, as I just keep on smiling like a crazy titan. He has the same dead look to his eyes that all the titans used to have too.

Sawney always had that dead look...

The guard coughs, bringing me back to attention, and now I stand straight as he introduces the queen.

"Her Majesty, Queen Historia Reiss, and her royal knight, Sir Levi."

I gasp. "Hey, I know that guy!"

I'm stopped short as Historia and Levi enter the room, looking all nice and fancy, and a bright smile forms over the queen's face.

She moves towards me, extending her hand. "Hange! It's so great to see you."

I don't take her hand as it's not the correct way to greet a queen, so I offer her a polite courtesy instead. "The honour is all mine, Your Grace."

There comes a "tch" from the corner of the room, and I look up. The sour guard has already left, so there's only one other person who could have made that sound.

I rise to my full height, pushing my glasses back. "I take it you're just as happy to see me too, hey, Levi?"

He deadpans me, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "No. You should be in Shiganshina keeping an eye on that lanky bitch, Yelena. At least you had the sense to leave Mikasa with Eren. I'll give you that."

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