Chapter 9 - Historia

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Song Inspired for this chapter:  (You Drive Me) Crazy by Britney Spears. Er, what can I say? I was a bit stuck on a song for this one, but the general theme of this chapter is that Levi is driving Historia crazy but he is starting to grow on her now. The song's a classic and eighteen-year-old Birtney has that right wholesome image and sweet baby voice that matches our Queen Historia. 

The captain remained true to his word, and the very next morning I awoke to his sullen face staring down at me.

"Wake up. It's time to leave."

My eyes expand, and then I release a loud squeal. Suddenly, Levi shoots his arm out and covers my mouth, and now I gaze up horrified into his blazing blue eyes.

"Quiet, do you want to wake the whole palace?" he growls inches above my face.

I give a rapid shake of the head, and my heart won't stop pounding. It's really not the first thing you want to see when you wake of a morning — Captain Levi staring down at you. His hand's still plastered against my mouth, and he moves it away, giving me his infamous "tch".

My mouth hurts where he clasped it with his rough, calloused hand, and now I give him a pointed look as I climb out of bed, glancing out the dark window. "What time is it?"

"Four am."

I groan. "It's still night-time."

"Well, if you want to go and see your fellow brats at the orphanage, then you get up. Nile Dok's right about one thing. We don't want to attract attention."

I roll my eyes, plodding absentmindedly towards my mahagony chest of drawers. I still dress myself while at the palace. That's one thing I will never give up — my independence. My crown could always be snatched away from me, so I don't want to get too comfortable in the life of luxury.

I stop, looking up at him. "Do... do you mind, Captain?"

His gaze flickers towards the ornate chest of drawers, and if I'm not mistaken... it almost looks as if he's blushing. But ever the stoic captain, he obliges and marches to the side door that adjoins our rooms.

I shake my head, pulling out a pair of riding pants. It's been a while since I've ridden. They always put me inside a carriage these days like I'm some helpless, fairy tale princess.

I'm no princess. I'm a queen.

A soldier queen.

Finally, I finish getting dressed, tucking my blouse inside my beige riding pants. Just as I pull up my tan boots, the captain knocks.

"Are you finished?"

I peer down at my blouse and blush. The top buttons are still open, showing off the swell of my breasts, and I tie them up. "Yes. I am now."

He enters the room again as stoic as ever, giving me a once over. It seems he approves, but then his eyes linger on my hair, and now he scowls. "For god's sake, brush your hair."

I match his glare. "I was just about to."

I grab my brass hairbrush from the vanity, combing rather furiously through my blonde tresses, and the captain tsks.

"Careful now, unless you want to grow bald, Your Majesty."

I bite the inside of my cheek. It's too early in the morning for his bitter attitude. With quick movements, I tie my hair back into a boring, old ponytail, and he arches his brow.

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