Chapter 8 - Levi

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Song inspired for this chapter: Wherever You Will Go by The Calling since Levi will go wherever Historia goes now, and it's such a good song. Plus, the lead singer's voice kinda reminds me of Levi's English VA Matt Mercer. Similar deep voice. 

Well, I'm officially Sir Captain Levi of the Scouts now, personal knight and royal guard to Queen Historia, and I go wherever she goes. In the last few days, I've learnt more of her bathroom habits, like how she takes ten minutes to take a shit then wash her hands for five minutes after, getting between the fingers and around the thumbs, and it seems I taught her well.

All the while I hold my double-edged sword, ready to lay down my life and protect the queen from danger.

I've never seen a weapon like it, and the moment I held it in my hand, I just knew... what I had to do. That was around the time that strange shock ran through my body, waking up my senses, and when I looked into the queen's big, blue eyes, I knew she'd felt it too.

It's definitely not a coincidence anymore.

Already I was a professional, and although I'm not unfamiliar with blades (I could flip a knife by the time I was twelve), I knew all the basic manoeuvres, just as all my Ackerman ancestors did before me. All knowledge of swordplay has disappeared from our archives, but I will let my genes and instincts guide me, and when the right moment comes, I will know.

It's the best gift anyone has given me, and I keep meaning to thank the queen for her generosity, but the moment just never comes.

Who knew she had such good taste? I never saw her much in action on the battlefield, apart from the time she killed her father, but it appears the girl knows a thing or two about fine steel.

Currently, I walk to the council room in the palace, dressed in my royal blue coat. I also wear black knee-length boots, and a white cravat tucked under the collar. And let's not forget my new, trusty sword too. It sits inside a scabbard at my belt, and now I've ditched the ODM gear in favour of something simpler.

Not that I will need ODM gear anymore, anyway. I'll be killing people from now, not titans.

I have been summoned to a meeting with the queen and Nile Dok to discuss new security measures and sounds like fun... 

I approach the door, which is flanked by two guards. They salute but I ignore them, barging my way inside. Nile and Historia sit near the end of the table, surrounded by paperwork, and I make my way over to the queen's side.

I don't sit. A knight should be on his feet at all times — poised and ready to attack.

I'm really going all out for this role.

Nile and Historia blink at me like idiots, and I roll my eyes. "Well, don't stop on my account."

Nile narrows his eyes irritably, and I give him a "tch". I know he and Erwin were close friends, but I'm not about to play happy families with the MP any time soon.

Historia's blue eyes glisten like jewels, and I give an inward groan. I hate it when she looks at me all pitifully like that.

"Captain, aren't you going to sit?" she asks.

"No. I'm fine here."

"But... we could be here a while. Please, just take a seat. The commander and I don't bite..." she giggles pleasantly, and I grind my teeth.

"I told you, Your Majesty... I'm fine here."

That sad glimmer returns to her eyes, and I look the other way before they drive me insane. They're even bluer than my new coat.

Her Majesty's KnightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora