Chapter 50 - Levi

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AN: Welp, here's another steamy one. Historia returns the favour, basically... What more can I say 😅

I've pretty much finished this fanfic now. So I'm feeling a little meh.

Now what do I do...

Song inspired for this chapter: Marry You by Bruno Mars. As I said last chapter, distant wedding bells were ringing... 

Morning comes around as the first rays of sun burst through the window. One stretches across the room, landing on the beautiful, sleeping face of Historia, and it seems heaven's calling her back.

She's still tied to the bedrail. I didn't tie the belt too hard in fear of cutting off her blood flow, but my cravat's still around her eyes.

It suits her.

I really am an old creep, tying up an eighteen-year-old girl to her bed, but my black heart needed it. Just seeing her there looking so adorably sexy makes me feel alive again...

The memory of her sweet voice runs through my mind, "Marry me..."

I still haven't given her my word. As far as I'm concerned, I already gave my life to her the day I agreed to be her knight, but marriage would take it a whole step further.

And here I was thinking it was the guy's job to ask a woman's hand in marriage.

I'm still conflicted. I love her dearly, but if the top brass found out that we got hitched, it would cause a stir...

Plus, I'm too self-deprecating for my own good, and once again I believe she could do better than an old, damaged war veteran like me. Historia deserves one of those cheesy guys who hold doors for her. Who fluff up her pillows, massage her toes, and make her breakfast in bed.

I hate those guys.

No. Instead, she wants to marry a psychotic maniac who ties her up all night long.

Nice guys wouldn't do that after all. (Nice guys wouldn't eat her pussy.)

But she looks so cute. So much so that I couldn't sleep once again, and my head's throbbing.

I had way too much to drink last night. The room stinks of ale and Historia's cum, an enticing mixture indeed.

I'm not sure where Lady got to. I think she escaped into my room, even though Erwin's out for her blood.

Poor puppy...

I'd guessed right; Historia does taste amazing down there. I can still taste her on my tongue, and now my breath smells like her pussy.


I lean across her, watching as the shadows of the morning settle over her pretty face.

Her lips are looking particularly juicy this morning. The sun emphasizes their prominent shape all the more, and I trace my finger around her mouth, drawing a perfect heart.

I stop at the hollow beneath her nose, and now I just watch her sleep.

Her chest gently rises and falls, leaving her breasts exposed and vulnerable to my probing eyes once again. Those pink tender nipples poke the delicate silk of her nightdress, and the blood flushes hot through my veins.

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