Chapter 55 - Historia

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AN: Another kinky one. Read at your own risk...

Song inspired for this chapter: Desire by Meg Myers. Wow... just watch the video, listen to the song, and then read the first scene of this chapter. It all works so well together... 

I lie alone on the huge four-poster bed, and my body is completely spent. Every muscle aches as I've never felt so sore.

I can't move for the life of me. My limbs are still chained to the bed after all, so it seems I won't be going anywhere for a while.

Levi left in the wee hours of this morning, and he hasn't returned since. He even locked me inside the room with a key.

The brute.

Looks like he had his wicked way with me in the end, and I'm so, so filthy — literally and figuratively. His dark seed covers me head to toe, and I'm in desperate need of a bath.

The four-poster bed has a mirror attached above for unknown reasons, so now I have no choice but to look at my disgraced reflection.

I should be publicly shamed for the things I let Levi do to me last night. That is not how the queen of the walls should act, but I don't care...

It was one of the best nights of my life.

From my reflection, I see where Levi has claimed my body. His dried seed clings to my hair, my face, my breasts, and even my belly button.

It sticks to my dry, cracked lips, and I really have become his dirty little whore...

His scent completely envelopes me, and it's like he's marked his territory. Plus, his taste has left me parched, and I've never felt so thirsty.

Yet... why do I want more? The only thing that can quench this strong thirst of mine is Levi's seed.

I need more of him, and now a heat washes over my body, making my skin flush and shine with sweat.

My heart thumps beneath my chest as I gaze up into the blue eyes of my reflection, and that heat never leaves me. In fact, it intensifies, rippling up and down my body like scorching waves, and I arch my back, pulling the chains taut around me.

Every little part of me yearns to be touched, and I can't even play with myself to relieve the pressure. It really is torture; my pebbled nipples poke through the delicate silk of my corset, eager for Levi's touch.

Slick pools from my labia, soaking up the sheets as I can't stop thinking about his chiselled chest and those intense grey eyes...

Next, I part my dry, cracked lips, whispering his name across the darkened room, "L-Levi..."

My hoarse voice is barely an echo, yet I won't give up. I know my knight and husband will return to me soon.

My heart knocks against my ribs, a hummingbird trying to escape its cage, and I can't take it anymore...

I'm going mad with desire...

What's that man done to me?

Cool air licks the skin of my wet folds, making me shiver all over, and it reminds me of his tongue.

I'm so close... I feel it in the way my body tingles, sending electrical jolts up and down my spine.

I look back up at my reflection, and my eyes are glowing... It's like a new surge of power is taking a hold of me, and I've never felt so strong.

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