Chapter 46 - Jean

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AN: Bonus chapter! It's Horseface's turn!

Song inspired for this chapter: See You Again by Wiz Khalifa. I always think of Jean singing to Marco when I hear this song, and I just 😥

I couldn't believe our luck (or bad luck) as I gaze down at that silent figure beneath the sheet, a shiver running up my spine.

That could have been Historia...

We stand in the empty ballroom, assessing the crime scene before us like a group of detectives. Discarded balloons drift through the air as Nile Dok barks orders at his men, and it's hard to believe that the festivities were still taking place less than twelve hours ago.

I can still hear the distant, merry laughter of those fancy men and women, still feel the vibrations of that orchestra as it plays on stage. Here and there, I find an abandoned mask on the floor, ripping my own free of my face.

What's the point? The party ended the moment that poor woman collapsed. I was the first to reach her side, and she died shortly after in my arms.

That familiar blackness eases its way inside me again, sending prickles down my spine.

She'd had a face just like my mum's, and the sight of her frozen, dead eyes will be forever etched in my memory.

This part of the job never gets easy. Seeing the dead...

But at least all those other times had been at the hands of monsters. Even if they did use to be human, they couldn't help themselves in the end as they caved to their bloodlust.

This woman died at the hands of a fellow human being. One with free will, and it just makes me sick.

She is or was Historia's royal taster. They have yet to perform an autopsy, but it's obvious she'd been poisoned.

Who the hell has it in for Historia? She's one of the most harmless girls I've ever met, a perfect goddess, and I can't bear the thought of losing yet another friend. I just can't.

That was why it was my idea that we should all keep an eye on Historia throughout the night, watching what food she ate and what liquids she consumed.

You can never be too careful now.

The woman had sampled Historia's food first before it was served, and I turn cold all over.

I'm not sure if Historia had eaten anything last night. The captain had whisked her away pretty much, and the party had only just begun...

Not that I want to think about what those two were doing after they left, but no one seemed to notice that Historia had disappeared. No one was suspicious of the captain and the queen, and I just hope for their sake they don't get caught.

I still don't give them my full blessing, but so long as they don't do anything stupid to jeopardize our regiment's good image, then I'm satisfied.

We're the heroes of Shiganshina after all. Let's keep it that way.

I stand between Mikasa and Eren as we assess the corpse. Armin, Sasha, and Connie went back to the barracks just after the incident. We three, on the other hand, haven't slept a wink.

Mikasa is her hard, resolute self, and that's something I've always admired about her — her ability to mask her emotions.

Eren is silent and contemplative as he stares forlornly at that woman's body, a spark igniting in his eyes.

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