Chapter 43 - Levi

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AN: Song inspired for this chapter: Breathless by Shayne Ward because Historia leaves Levi Breathless... Also, smut scenes ahead. 

I lost myself in her big doe eyes the moment those explosions went off.

They captured every second of that pretty light display above, turning her giant orbs into an array of vibrant colours, and I'd never felt so overcome.

She's so beautiful... it hurts.

Historia finally pulls her gaze away from the night sky, meeting mine with a look of pure shock on her guileless face.

"Levi?" she breathes my name from those heavenly lips, and immediately my eyes fall to her plump mouth.

The red curve of her upper lip only temps me further as I lick my own, eager for her strawberry taste.

Ah, fuck it. We're finally alone (the reason why I brought her up here).

Historia emits a loud squeal when I push her up against a gargoyle, knocking the breath from her lungs, and now I throw myself at her juicy, red lips.

The noses of our masks squash together as her rouge covers my face, but I don't care; I need a taste of her strawberry-scented breath.

Slowly, she slips inside my mouth and groans, sucking hard on my tongue, and it seems I taught her well. She even nibbles my bottom lip, and it's like a switch flicks on inside my brain.

Big mistake... She's about to find out how much I was really, really holding back before.

My hand shoots up her skirt, grazing the creamy skin of her soft thigh, and now I settle my fingers over her silken underwear. I give her pussy a tight squeeze, and she quivers, losing herself in pure ecstasy.

She loves it...

A warm, wet patch forms over her underwear, and I chuckle, slipping a finger beneath the fine silk.

Historia shudders when my finger teases her tender lips, and holy fucking Walls... she's so hot and swollen down there, I could cry tears of joy.

I can't believe it... I'm actually touching Historia's pussy. The envy of every man in the country.

Well, what can I say? I'm humanity's strongest after all, and I'm going to allow myself to be a smug bastard for just this once. I earned it.

Historia gasps for air, her breasts pumping and sweating beneath the pretty, white lace of her bodice. I'll have to thank those dressmakers when I see them next for making the material so tight; it hugs her in all the right places.

I slide my finger over her wet folds, never taking my burning eyes off her once, and she starts panting like a bitch in heat.

The tension's already building up inside her, and I haven't even put my finger in her yet.

So sensitive.

She starts pleading with me now, and my heart pounds when that sweet, dripping voice fills my ears. "Please... Levi... just..."

I snigger, my eyes glowing with pure lust. "Just what?"

More heavy breaths pump from her lips, and now my dick jabs at my pants, yearning to be set free. Yet I don't stop. I'm going to keep touching this virgin queen until I'm blue in the balls.

Her Majesty's KnightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora