Chapter 34 - Levi

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AN: Once again we return to more... Tales of Interest! Futurama reference...

Song inspired for this chapter: As Long As You Love Me by Backstreet Boys. This song is perfect for this chapter. Historia confesses a bit of her dark past, and despite her warts and all, Levi still loves her 😍

Jean paces before the campfire, trying to put two and two together. He grips his head with his hands, massaging an oncoming migraine by the looks of things.

I don't blame him. He found me dry-humping the queen pretty much. We must have looked so vulgar.

But you know what, I don't care anymore. I'll scream it from atop the walls: "I'm in love with the queen and I want to fuck her virgin ass!"

Hey, I already have a first-class ticket to hell. May as well make the most of it.

Horseboy has summoned us all together for a "camp meeting" to discuss this new, interesting development.

I mean, it does change our whole group dynamic. Sure, we were close before, but never this close...

The others sit around the fire. Eren perches between his lifelong babysitters, Mikasa and Armin. Sasha and Connie look like a pair of monkeys, and Erwin II licks his ass.

"Well, what is it you have to say, Jean?" Armin finally asks, stealing quick glances at me and Historia.

Speaking of me and Historia...

We stand apart like a pair of naughty children who got caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar. I can feel Historia burning up, but I'm surprisingly calm.

Jean removes his hand from his face, scowling at the pair of us now. I stare at him pokerfaced.

"Why don't you ask those two..." he growls.

The rest of my squad do as he instructs, glancing our way. Even Erwin looks up from licking his balls, his pink tongue sticking out of his mouth. 


No one dares speak. They're all too afraid, but I can see it in their eyes. They probably saw it the moment we arrived at camp. Even Mikasa and Armin saw it while they stayed at the orphanage.

Hell, even the children saw it.

I shut my eyes, releasing a heavy breath. "This doesn't go beyond this camp. Understood?"

"Yes, sir!" they all cry in various tones.

I open my eyes again, meeting Eren's green ones. He stares at me so intently, but every so often his gaze flitters over to Historia, and his expression softens.

His warning runs through my mind again, "It will not end well for you both."

Tch, who cares what he thinks?

I sense Historia's blue eyes as I address my squad. "Historia and I... we... well..."

All of a sudden, I'm tongue-tied. My mouth dries up, and now my heart palpitates.

I know I was prepared to scream my feelings for Historia atop the walls before, but this is actually harder than I thought.

I would be exposing my vulnerable side to them all. They'd lose all respect for me, seeing me as some useless pansy who's not so scary after all.

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