Chapter 10 - Levi

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Song inspired for this chapter: Outta This World by Jason Derulo because Historia is truly like something out of this world, and Levi is in complete awe of her. Also, I enjoyed writing this one. Crazy, smiling Levi... you'll see 😂

The sun was already blazing by the time we rode up that dirt road to the orphanage, and I couldn't help but look at that farmhouse with pride.

After all, I helped with its conception. But the credit all goes to the queen. Her first decree when she came into power: no child should go without ever again.

I peer over at her on that wild, black stallion. She really is out of this world. An ethereal being who fell from the sky, especially with the way the sun catches the gold of her hair as it flaps in the wind.

I can't believe she's real at times, and once again I am in awe of her. The way she can tame a terrified horse of all things... It makes my heart beat in ways it never has before, and now she glows like a star as she rides with a purpose, eager to see her little brats once again.

I get a little distracted next when one of her shining strands blinds me, and I almost bite on my tongue when Silver treads over a rock.

I'm just like Oluo now. That blabbering, old fool...

Wherever they are, I hope my old squad is proud of me. I know they went to the good place, despite the fact they were Island Devils.

Petra was no devil, and she was almost as pure as Her Majesty with the way she used to comfort the dying in their last moments. But out on the battlefield, she was terrifying. Why I handpicked her to be in my squad in the first place. She was ruthless when she needed to be.

I bet if the Marleyans had met either Petra or Historia, then they would have thought twice about calling us devils. Both women have hearts of gold (or had in Petra's case).

Then there was my oldest, dearest friend Isabel who had a natural affinity for animals. I still remember the first time she got on a horse when Erwin forced us to join the Scouts, and she was an instant pro. Though rough around the edges, that kid had been as pure as Petra or Historia.

The good ones always suffer and die in the end, and it makes me question the existence of a god every single day. Though I guess death is drawn to the most beautiful.

You're in a garden, which flowers do you pick? That's right. The most beautiful...

Why do you think I'm still alive? (And it's not because I'm a badass). I'm so rotten that not even death wants me now.

Though there's one flower that I'm going to make sure never gets plucked from her roots. Instead, she will be nourished every day with sunlight and water, bringing beauty to all those around her in the very centre of that huge, metaphorical garden called life.

Shit. I think this knighthood has turned me into a romantic. I bought a white mare and called her Silver for crying out loud.

Not to worry. I will punch a hole into a wall later to reclaim my manliness, and then I can go back to being grouchy old Captain Levi again. The one everyone loves...

We're getting closer to the farmhouse, and Historia gushes with joy. "There it is..."

I keep my eyes on the queen while Silver charges on. She's getting tears in her eyes, and it makes me glad I decided to go against the grain and challenge Nile Dok of all important people.

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