Chapter 35 - Historia

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AN: You are really, really in for a treat this chapter. You will need new underwear. Sorry not sorry (also, screenshot will make sense once you've finished chapter) 😂

Song inspired for this chapter: Glorious by Foxes. Such a perfect song for this ship and this chapter by a perfect artist. 

The captain and I returned to the road once again as we head to the capital.

Right back to where we both started.

Everyone else went south to Shiganshina, and it pained me to say goodbye to my old friends.

There was a time in my life where I saw them every single day, but these days? Not so much.

It gets lonely being queen sometimes.

But I guess it's not all so bad. I have the captain all to myself again — my knight in shining armour...

Oh, and Erwin II. The captain still insists on bringing him with us. Mikasa was prepared to take him back to HQ so he could be reunited with Hange again, but Levi refused to give him over to that "Four-Eyed Freak".

I never took him for a cat lover...

Confessing our love to the whole gang was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. My throat clogged up, and I couldn't speak. And I couldn't bear to see the judgement in their eyes of loving a man so much older than me.

Well, two out of six isn't so bad. I'm sure Jean will come to accept mine and the captain's union one day.

But I'm not so sure about Eren. For as long as I've known him, he's always been so stubborn.

I don't think he will ever change his mind about us. Once it's set, it's set.

I ride along beside Levi as he finishes telling me about the time his Uncle Kenny found him alone in the dark underground. I notice he leaves out a few specific details, but my heart breaks when I hear of his cruel childhood.

And I thought mine was bad. He'd been starved and had watched his mother die a slow, painful death.

The poor thing...

I still can't believe it. Levi is an Ackerman. That means that he and Mikasa are related, and it's just so strange.

I guess I always had some inkling; I did always see the parallels between Levi and Kenny Ackerman.

What I find the most ironic was that his uncle had worked for my father. And then my father's brother before him.

He was their personal sword.

It's definitely no coincidence. Levi is my knight now, and I wonder if there's any connection.

Still... how sweet.

Our uncles had been best friends at one point.

"What's with that stupid smile?"

I shake my head to distract my thoughts, looking around at Levi. He's wearing his usual frown.

"Oh, nothing. It's just... your uncle and my uncle, Captain... well... they just happened to be close friends. It seems our families have always had a deep-rooted bond."

His scowl deepens, and I can tell he doesn't look the least bit amused. Yet, I feel as if there's something he's still refusing to tell me, but not to worry... I'll fish it out of him eventually.

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