Chapter 41 - Levi

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A/N: It's time for the ball. Are you excited to finally see Historia's dress?

Be prepared to melt at the level of cuteness in this chapter. I bring out Levi's soft side.

Song inspired for this chapter: Perfect by Ed Sheeran. The lyrics fit so well, especially when Levi sees Historia in her dress... 

Tch, these last few weeks couldn't get any worse.

If I hear one more word about the upcoming ball, I'm going to cut someone's limbs off.

Trust Historia to dream up something so pompous and flashy. A masquerade? Seriously...

She's still a little girl deep down; she lives for all this fairy-tale crap.

Me? I'd rather be butchering my enemies than dealing with this shit. The worst part of all? I still haven't gotten her a gift, and her birthday's today.


She'll be showered with gifts of all kinds. So what difference will my crummy present make?

Yet I'm supposed to be her goddamn friggin' boyfriend. It looks rather shitty of me if I don't get her something.

Yeah, you heard that right...


I'm Historia's boyfriend now.

Or at least I still think I am. She told me so herself: I don't get to have her pussy anymore. Not that I had it to begin with, but still...

Is it possible to miss something you've never had?

It's the morning of the ball, and I make a quick detour into town. I wear a hood to avoid being recognised.

It seems the whole city is celebrating the queen's 18th birthday. There's bunting draped across the streets with the number eighteen, and flags baring her face, reminding me at every turn that I still haven't gotten her a gift.

There are even Historia dolls that you can purchase from stalls, and Sir Levi ones too.

We are not fucking dolls!

I pass a pair of small girls who play with their Historia and Levi dolls.

"Why, hello, Sir Levi," one says with her Historia doll.

"And a hello to you too, Queen Historia. Shall we dance?" says the other with her Levi one.

I pick up the pace as the girls start making their dolls dance, and the next thing I know, they're making kissing noises.

They burst out laughing, and I grit my teeth.

The brats.

I'm not exactly broke anymore (a military salary's pretty great), but every shop I pass is way out of my budget.

I miss being a thief at times. If I really wanted, I could steal every trinket inside Wall Sina.

But those days are gone. I'm an upstanding citizen now.

Yeah, thanks, Erwin, wherever you are...

Figures everything's so overpriced. We are in the capital after all. A world of excess and riches, while the poorer districts grapple for survival.

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