Chapter 13 First Mission First Failure

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(A/N) (okay just to let you guys know I like to listen to this person on youtube and it basically have me inspired to even write this, because it kinda made fall in love with Dabi without even watching the anime ((still working in it)) and this chapter is based off this video.. sorry it's rated 18+ I couldn't find the SFW one. But yeaaaaah.)

(Far as I know the person is really nice, and they do other characters to....applently every one loves a hawksXdabi so I thought why not. But I change it to fit my story)

 But I change it to fit my story)

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-Airmed's point of view-

I stir slowly opening my eyes to find Dabi stairing at me. "Good morning beautiful." I couldn't help but to smile.

"Morning Handsome." I yawned. He hated when I called him that but I could tell he also loves it.

Its been about a month since I've gotten my 'gift' from All for one, and Dabi has been more loving towards me when we are alone. I felt a kiss on my forehead. "Baby I wanna check something out today. I can't trust the heros and it might be something big." I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Alright love." I yawned. I feel like he was serious.

I got up and and got dressed. "What are we doing?" I asked looking back at him.

"I heard someone was planning something and I want to check it out." I nodded.

"Long as you feed me first." I joked. He chuckled.


After being given the gift I've been more comfortable with being my self, how I use to be before become a 'sidekick' I'm no longer a broken doll, I'm not made from porcelain anymore.

We went to eat at a small cafe that Dabi is a regular there. They never had cause us any problems, with his scars. I took a drink of my soda and looked up to Dabi. He was distracted by looking out the window.

"Love what's wrong?" I asked. He looked at me with worry eyes.

"What we are gonna do is dangerous." I tilt my head.

"What do you mean?" He gently sighed.

"I heard some rumors going around that handsy is planing on something and sent one of his lackies, to pick something up." I narrowed my eyes.

"you know what it could be?" I asked. He shook his head.

"The only thing I know is the meeting place. Some where in a shopping mall." I looked at him, nodding.

"But we have to be careful. A little birdy told me that someone was planning on bombing the place."

My eyes widen. "Wait?! What!" I shouted lowly only for him to hear. He nodded his head.

A Marionette And The Blue Demon [DabixFem Oc] ((orginal))Where stories live. Discover now