Chapter 44: Wedding

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A/N Sorry it took me so long to upload the next chapter of this I will try and get up the next chapter quicker. Also I'm at over 2.3K reads on this story I cannot believe so thank you to all of you for sticking with the story this far I really appreciate it!
- Calima

I was standing in my red and black dress in a small room waiting for Rîndis. She was only supposed to be gone for a moment and yet now here I am alone. 

I sighed loudly and walked over to the mirror that so proudly on the large wooden vanity. The woman that stared back at me with shiny purple eyes was very different from the one I used to see all those years ago in Rohan. That girl was still inside somewhere but now she had many scars, many reminders of the things that had happened to her and changed mostly for the better.

Tracing over the pink scar across my face I frowned. I no longer felt such raw emotion when I looked at it but it still reminded of a time I would rather forget. Even though they're safe now seeing both of them how I did is something I can never forget. My attention then turned to my forearm with that word forever engrained into it. It no longer had any hold over me and it never would.

"You know if I do ever find the elf that did this to you he shall meet the end of my blade rather swiftly, " Adad said. I jumped a little and looked up I had apparently been so absorbed in my thoughts that I had never noticed the large wooden door to the room open and close.
"I wouldn't have it any other way Adad although I wouldn't mind a little revenge of my own, " I smirked.
"Now may I enquire as to your being here?" 
"Who else would walk you down the aisle?" 
I smiled widely.
"So we've finally got your blessing?" 
"Indeed, " 
"Thank you, Adad!" I shouted hugging him. I let go of him quickly regaining my composure.
"Happy are we?" 
"Of course, "
"Then shall we?" He offered me his arm.
"We shall, " I smiled linking my arm with his.

The walk was short to even a larger grand oak door with swirls and stars carved into it. The doors cracked open to reveal the beautifully decorated hall filled with many dwarfs and a few elves together in one corner save for Araniel and Astra who were sat by Dís near the front. I looked down to the front of the hall and saw Legolas stood next to Kili and Ríndis stood opposite. I smiled the three and almost laughed when I saw the utter confusion on Fili’s face. Thorin let go of my when we reached the end of the long aisle. 
“What is going on here?” Fili questioned. 
“Brother are you really that dim?” Kili returned. 
“Kili is marrying Ríndis and I am marrying Anastasia,” Legolas explained.
“Well then I’m marrying Saphire,” he said half-jokingly.
“Go on then,” I challenged with a smirk my eyes flicking over to where Saphire was sat in the front row next to Raven.
“What?” Fili blinked a few times.
“You heard me Fee,”

Apparently, Fili didn’t think he would be dared to through with this but if I didn’t push him I doubt he would ever ask my sister.

Most people were watching us intently trying to work out what was going on when Fili stepped forward and cleared his throat.

“As it appears that there are two marriages taking place today I thought I would ask for one more. Saphire Ironheart,” he called looking at her intently. Saphire eyes had not left his form at all. “Will you marry me?”

Saphire was stunned, to say the least, but a broad smile made its way onto her face very quickly. 
“Of course,” she called back and several cheers echoed through the room several of which were from Merry and Pippin who were jumping up and down on their chairs as Gandalf glared at them lightly. Raven stood up to and walked Saphire around to the front. 

The ceremony itself was quite short but all six of us were happier than ever. The celebration that followed seemed as if it was going to end.

All the dwarves were gulping down drink after drink as they always do. The few elves present save for Thranduil, Araniel, Astra, Arwen and Legolas, of course, had all left some time ago rather fed up with the rowdiness and extravagance of a large group of drunken dwarves. I was not sober enough to particularly care about their leaving nor the rowdiness of the dwarves. I was also far too happy. I had finally married Legolas with my father's blessing which I was almost begging to think was utterly impossible. 

I walked through the room admiring the place. Merry and Pippin found themselves on one of the large wooden tables singing about The Green Dragon pub in the shire once more although this time it was not to the men of Rohan but dwarves from Erebor and the Iron Hills. Frodo and Sam were sat with some of the older including dwarves, Balin and Gloin,  sharing various tales of their adventures no doubt. Other members of the company sat together chatting and reminiscing. Sapphire, Fili, Kili, Raven and Gimli all sat around a table together laughing. I was confused as to where Legolas had gone go until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I hope you are not fed up of me already Melleth Nin, " he chuckled.
"Of course not Legolas, " I turned around to him with a smile. I kissed him lightly before continuing "I simply wanted to walk around a little, " 
"Be warned Legolas married life isn't all what it seems, " 
"Aragorn, you're not supposed to tell him that, " I joked looking at the bearded man.
"Well, he can't back out now anyway, "
"And neither can you Aragorn, " Arwen reminded with a smile. She looked as graceful as always in a silk dress. 
"Even if I could I wouldn't want to, " He smiled at her.
"Aragorn you've already gone soft, " I teased. The four of us laughed together and caught up and bit more. We were eventually joined by Lorelei and Éomer as well the rest of my family eventually. Everything was perfect and we all knew it.

Later into the evening, I found myself wondering around Erebor and I went onto the pathway that was over the large gate into Erebor. The night was a little cold but the sky was pitch black and the stars whole brightly in the sky overhead and the pale moon shone over the land in front of me. I leant on the wall and put my head in my hands. Looking down and the bridge and the land in front of me. I remembered what had happened here. The Battle of the Five Armies. I was still grateful I had survived that day and so had the rest of the company. A strong breeze began to blow whipping my hair (which I realised had gotten very long of late) across my face as I pulled my black cloak further around myself. 

That was Saphire.
"Anastasia Ironheart where the hell are you?" 
That was definitely Raven.
"I'm over here!" I yelled back seeing their forms at the other end of the gate.
"What are you doing out here? it's freezing, " Raven complained.
"Reminiscing, "
"Well can you reminisce inside where it's actually warm?" My black-haired sister questioned.
"Yes I suppose I can, " I replied in a mildly fed up tone just because I knew it annoyed her.
"May I ask what you were thinking?" Saphire asked.
"The Battle of the five armies. It is definitely something I will never forget nor will I forget the recent battles we were in. I just hope that's it I don't think I want to deal with any more battles or wars, " I sighed.
"I don't think anyone does at this point, Annie. Now let's stops being so glum it is our wedding day after all, " Saphire reminded with a wide smile her blue eyes sparkling in the light glow of the moon.
"I can believe both of you got married before me. I am the eldest, " Raven pitched in.
"You're telling me. I thought Saphire would be the only one to get married, " I laughed. 
"Aye, even I'm a bit surprised pointy ears actually married you as we all know how stubborn and annoying you are Lass, " Gimli chimed in as we entered the room the group were all sat in.
"Don't forget dramatic, " The Durin brothers and Thorin added - all with grins on their faces.

"Will you three let it go already!" 

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