Chapter 39: To Gondor

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(Authors note: Thank you so much for 1k reads. I can't believe it!)

We hadn't spent too much time in Erebor before we needed to pack our things once more and he's back to Gondor for Aragorn's coronation. There was only a small group of us journeying from Erebor which consisted of Dîs, Thorin, my brothers, my sisters, Rîndis, Legolas, Gimli, myself and the rest of the company of Thorin oakenshield who decided they quite ready for another adventure. Ok so maybe the group wants particularly small.

As we journeyed onwards we can come across the group of Mirkwood elves also headed for Gondor. This was not looked upon happily by most of the company and Thorin. Though the rest of us were quite happy to see them and Gimli seemed somewhat stuck on the middle seeing as he had frown a slight fondness for elves though he would never ever admit it to anyone.

I saw Rîndis approach me with a smile.
"Look what Kili gave me, " she said holding out her hand so I could see the ring on her finger. I examined the ring it was golden and it had a large gem which was.
"Is that part of the Arkenstone!" I exclaimed.
"Yes it is Uncle gave them to me as a blessing of our marriage, " Kili said a little too smugly for my liking as he waved his ring in front of my face.
"Not. Fair. I swear Adad's doing this to annoy me surely by now he knows what Legolas has done for me. I gave him a similar speech like the one you gave him about Rîn but still, he refuses to trust him and just keeps saying not yet and it's unbelievably frustrating, " I huffed and looked to Legolas and Gimli who were laughing at me.
"You two better explain to me what is so funny quite quickly or you will have to deal with a hangry Anastasia because someone ate her breakfast, " I snapped playfully glaring harshly at Raven at my last words.
"Annie you should know by now you do not leave food unattended if you intend to eat it, " Raven defended.
"I left it for about five seconds, "
"Five seconds too long apparently," Fili laughed.
"Oh don't you start. If you want to talk about 'too long' then should you should be talking about the time it has taken you to ask my sister to court you and you still haven't done it, " I retorted with a smirk shutting Fili up.
"I think she's got ya there lad, " Gimli chuckled earning a glare from Fili.

We all walked along for a while giving the horses - and Midnight- a small break from carrying us. The for was still filled with our laughter and shouts as we always ended up teasing one another greatly finding it the best source of entertainment as always.

"Annie come here, " Dîs beckoned. I left the large group I was with to do d Dîs who was stood talking with Araniel.
"Thorin may not have given you his blessing yet but I will, " she smirked. "And I will be making sure that he does give it in the end. He has made several sets of rings from the Arkenstone as you know what problems it caused before. He has given a set to my sons as has a set for you but not decided to give you them yet. So, for the time being, I was hoping these would do."  She held out her hand which had two metal beads one bearing a symbol of Erebor and another bearing a symbol of Mirkwood.
"These are Dwarvish betrothal beads if you did not know, " Araniel added.
"I had thought so. The thing is I've only ever seen them once and that was because my parents wore them, " I explained. The two women gave me another kind smile before I ran back to Legolas.
"When we make camp for the evening I've got something for you, " I smiled.
"Am I allowed to know now?" He questioned.
"Nope, " I said with a childish smile.
Legolas shook his head.

By the time night fell we were all setting up camp most of the elves had set up separate to the dwarves both of which were happy with this arrangement especially Thorin and Thranduil it seemed. They had glared at each other constantly throughout the journey and now sat at camp they were no different.
"Do think it's occurred do either of them that one they marry they will be inlaws?" I smirked at Legolas.
"Definitely not. They're too busy hating each other, " he replied.
"Right, now time for the surprise sit here, " I said and gestured to the spot on the ground by a log. He complied and I sat down behind him. I began to read his hair after handing him the bead I would be putting in his lovely blonde hair.
"Where did you get this? " He questioned remaining completely still as I braided his hair.
"Dîs gave them to me. She seems to be getting quite well with your Naneth, "
I said as I took the bead from his hand and slid it into his hair before finishing the rest of the braid.
"Well there are both married to stubborn Kings, " he replied as we swapped places.
"True, " I laughed.
Later on, I sat down with Adad.
"Soo have you had any seconds thoughts on Legolas and me, " I asked using the sweetest voice I could muster.
"No, " she replied shortly.
"You're such a child, " he said trying to be serious but he couldn't fight tbe smile that made its way slowly onto his face when he saw me pouting at him.
"Will you at least think about it? Eventually, I will marry him with or without your permission, " I stated and Thorin glared at me slightly.
"But it would be nice for you to be there and to have your blessing. Also, the rings look nice, " I added.
"And what rings would those be?"
"The one's that Kili was literally waving smugly on front of my face, "
"I had told him to keep quiet about those, "
"Adad this is Kilo we're talking about what did you think he was going to do. Especially when he knows you haven't given any to me yet. Which now I think about means Fili has a pair too, "
"How did you know that?" Fili questioned across the fire.
"Your the only one that Kili loves to annoy more than me, " I answered, "and since when was it princely to eves drop?" I remarked.
"Since when was it Princess like to march across the whole of middle earth to fight in a war?" Fili retorted.
"As far as I'm concerned it always was, " I replied with a smirk.
"What do you think Saphire?" Rîndis asked with a mischievous smile. I was curious as to who's side she would choose although I was fairly certain it would be Fili's with the way she's always looking at him.
"I'm with Fili. Fighting wars and the like isn't exactly typical of a Princess, "
"She really must love you Fee if she's siding with you over her family, " I teased.
"Annie!" Saphire whined with a light blush covering her features.
"I don't hear her denying it, " Raven remarked.
"And I don't here the Princeling complaining either, " Gimli added with a chuckle.
I looked to Thorin who looked over all of us with a smile.

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