Chapter 8: Rivendell

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"No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. It's my fault you died. I can never take that back I'm sorry, " I cried bringing my knees to my chest and burying my face into my knees to muffle the crying. But I have already captured the attention of most of the dwarves who are awake. They looked at me concerned. " Annie are you alright?" the youngest Durin asked. I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up. "yeah Kee I am fine, " I replied. " Did you have a nightmare lass, " Bofur asked concerned.
"It doesn't matter, " I returned.
"It does matter lass. We can't have you drawing more attention to us by screaming in the night, " Dwalin says seriously but politely.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I can't help if I am plagued by nightmares. I saw my parents dead on the floor, watched my sisters die in my arms and I have been tortured for five bloody years! You can't expect my dreams to be all sunshine and freaking rainbows! " I yelled at no one in particular filled with rage and sadness. My face still shone with tears. I reeled back as I realised what I had said. They must hate me now. Well done Annie you screwed up big this time. I looked around at all the shocked faces apart from Thorin's which was filled with pity and ram through them all back to where I spent the night with Kee and Fee and I just sat there staring not knowing what to do anymore. "They all hate me and they don't even know about my parents what would they do if they knew, " I said to myself. "We don't hate you lass, " Bofur said followed by a chorus of agreements from the rest of the company behind him. I laughed slightly. "I am sorry for shouting. My emotions got the better of me, " I explained. "Its quite alright lass, " Dwalin said. "Annie can you come back over here so Kee stops whining about how he didn't get to give you a hug, " Fee called. I laughed again this time with more feeling. I walked back around getting various pats on the back as I went I gave Kee a hug and he was happy again.
"Can I ask you all one thing before we leave?" I asked.
"Of course, "Fee said " Don't treat me any different to the rest. Bad things have happened to me but I am no victim and I do not wish to be treated like one. I don't mean to sound rude but I do not need pity. I just need help trying to move on with my life, " I concluded. Again there were a few shouts of "of course, " and the like and then Thorin shouted something about being lazy and late so we packed up and left.

As usual, I was on Midnight who didn't seem to mind the constant riding which I was grateful for. It began to pour down with rain. "Mr Gandalf can you do something about this deluge!" Dori cried. "It is raining Master dwarf and it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world you should find yourself another wizard, " Gandalf replied.
"Are there any, " Bilbo asked
"Why yes there are five of us. There is the leader of our order. Saruman the white. Then there are two blue wizards but I have quite forgotten their names.
"and who is the fifth?" I asked
"That would be Radagast the brown,"
" Is he a great wizard or is he more like you?" Bilbo inquired. Which caused me, Kee and Fee to burst out laughing at the back of the company.
"I think he's a great wizard in his own way, " Gandalf said and they continued to explain how he preferred the company of animals to people.
"Hey Kee, "
"Yeah, " he replied
"What do you do for fun on these long journeys?" I asked Kili grins at me mischievously Oh dear what have I done.
"Well there is always truth or dare, " he stated
"Why do I feel like this could end badly for me, "
"Because it's likely will when you're playing with Kili. Fee said from his place to the other side of me.
" Well is someone going to explain the rules, "
After this lots of laughter came from the back of the company as we all found out all the funny and embarrassing things each one of us has done and as we make each other do the stupidest stuff we can possibly think of.
Soon the rain clears and we come to a stop for the day before the sunsets. Kee and Fee were sent to go take care of the ponies and I was asked to help Bombur with cooking dinner. Once it is done we sat down to eat and Bilbo was sent to go give some to the boys. "Lass of you don't mind me asking what were your sisters like?" Balin asked. " My sisters were something. They would always be in my case. Most likely because I always got into fights, " a few of the Dwarves laughed, " But." I was cut off by Kili running over "Bilbo's been captured by trolls!" what. The. Heck. "Trolls, " I exclaimed. I looked around the company " Well come on what are you waiting for? Let's go get our burglar back!"

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