Chapter 21: The River Anduin

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"You'll be alright Miss Annie I'm sure of it, " Sam said as cheerful as ever.
"Oh, Sam I wish I had your positivity sometimes, " I said with a sad smile.
"Yes well we should be getting ready to leave, " Boromir cut in.
"I told you she shouldn't have come, " whispered to Aragorn. "She will endanger us all and take the ring back to Sauron, " he finished.
"I've had enough of your comments Boromir. If you have an issue with me say it to my face, " he said nothing.
"Or are you too scared, "I challenged before walking off to Gimli to collect my things.
Once we were all ready we were brought before the Lady Galadriel one last time. We all stood before here in a line. I stood between Legolas and Gimli. She went along the line giving us each a cloak with a leaf on it. She then gave us each a gift. Except for Aragorn who she said already had a great gift. Which I saw was the necklace he wore. To Merry and Pippin, she gave some nice daggers, to Frodo she gave some sort of light and Sam got some selfish rope. Legolas got a new now that was very ornate. Then she turned to me. " I think this deserves to be with its rightful owner once more, " she said. Handing me a bow and a quiver of arrows. "My mother's bow, " I said in disbelief. "How. How did you find this, " I never thought I would ever be so happy over a weapon. She simply smiled at me and moved into Gimli who seemed quite flustered. The rest of us left and waited by the shore for Gimli. Merry and Pippin were already sat in a boat. Legolas pulled out some Lembas bread and took a bite. He offered some to me which I gratefully accepted. "It's is said that one bite will fill the stomach of a man, " I commented although I didn't quite believe that. I handed the bread back to Legolas who went to go find Aragorn.
"How many did you have Pip?" Merry asked.
"Four, " he replied I burst out laughing.
"Peregrin Took you continue to amaze me with how much you manage to eat, " I laughed.
"Well I am a hobbit after all, " he replied patting his stomach.
Gimli then came into view.
"Right let's get going, "he said
" its about time. How long did you take staring into Lady Galadriel's eyes, " I teased and heard Legolas and Aragorn snicker behind me.
"Well, at least I will admit my feelings. You've been in love with blondie over there for ages and neither of you have said anything, " he retorted shutting Legolas and I up but causing Aragorn to laugh more.
"Let's just go already, " I said shaking my head at Gimli.
Gimli got into the boat first followed by myself and then Legolas behind me. We all set off rowing down the River Anduin. I looked at the bow more tracing my hand over the engravings. I realised something was carved into the inside of the bow. My brow furrowed as I tried to read what it said. To my surprise, it was in dwarvish runes "Durrith, Saphire, Raven, Anastasia, " I read smiling. I took out a small knife and added to it. I wrote the names of my brothers and Father, Gimli and of course Legolas. Just as I finished writing his name he asked. "What are you doing?" Nothing I said feeling blood rush to my cheeks. "Thinking about you by the looks of it, " Gimli said with a smirk. I kicked him.
"What was that for?" He exclaimed. "For being the most irritating dwarf ever and that's saying something seeing as I know Fili and Kili, " I said.
"Oh I'm not that bad, " Gimli replied. "Oh, I think you are, "
Legolas laughed at our bickering.
I hit his leg "Don't laugh Erarod, " I said laughing myself. "With that tone, I'm definitely not going to stop Erestent, " he said.
"Anyway. Gimli what was it you asked Lady Galadriel for?"
"I asked for on hair from her golden head. She gave me three and I will not call anything else fair unless it be a gift from her, " he declared.
"Annie you're right he really is in love, "
"Be quiet. Pointy ears, " Gimli grumbled and Legolas and I snickered.
The rest of the journey was in comfortable silence.
I think I fell asleep at some point and woke to Legolas patting me on the shoulder.
"I thought you might want to see this, " he said smiling at me. I looked ahead and saw The Argonath. Two men stood proudly against the sides of the mountains. "It really is something, "
We continued down the river and rowed ashore at nightfall to rest. I rummaged around in my bag checking everything was there and to my surprise, I found something I didn't think I'd packed. I took it out and examined it.
"What's that Miss Annie, " Sam asked and some others turned to look at me. "This Sam, " I said holding it carefully. "Is my armour. I think my Father packed it whilst I wasn't looking. But I'm thankful he did, " I smiled. "What's it made of, " Pippin asked.
"It cannot be," Legolas said examining it closer. "It is, " I smirked.
"Is what?" Pippin asked again.
"This is made of the scales from the dragon Smaug who was killed sixty years ago by King Bard of Dale. Bard gave it to me as a gift and thank-you for protecting his children that day," I explained smiling at the memory. I put it away and silently thanked Thorin for packing it once more.
The moon shone down over the still waters as Sam prepared dinner. I sat between Legolas and Gimli by the first as I often did. We were all talking apart from Boromir. He seemed quite distant and for some reason, I found myself concerned and went over to ask him what was wrong. I sat down next to him.
"What worries you Boromir, " I asked kindly.
"It's just something Galadriel said to me, " he replied.
"Well, I'm here if you want to talk, " I found myself saying.
"Since when did you care so much?" He asked
"Honestly I don't know, " I replied.
"Well thank you for asking, " he said
"No problem, " I said before leaving Boromir. Soon everyone was going to bed apart from Legolas who was the first watch.
I laid down and tried to sleep but all I kept thinking about was what happened last time. I sighed and hauled myself out of my bedroll.
"Care for some company?" I asked sitting down beside Legolas
"Of course, " he smiled. We sat in a comfortable silence for a while before Legolas spoke
"As much as I would like to think that you're here just because you enjoy my company I must ask why you are up still and not resting, "
"Well I do enjoy your company but I'm afraid you are correct it is not the only reason, " I replied
Legolas frowned. "It's because of what happen last night isn't it?" I nodded.
"You can't keep worrying about that we need you Annie and you are no use to us if you're constantly falling asleep, " he reasoned.
"I'm also no help to you being a murderous freak, "
"You have this now you'll be fine, " he said pointing to the necklace.
"We don't know that for certain and I couldn't bear it if I hurt anyone, "
"You won't, "
"How can you know for certain. Look I want you to promise me. If I turn into that thing again that you'll stop me from hurting anyone. Whatever it takes, " I look him straight in the eye.
"I. I don't know if I can promise you that, " he frowned. I clutched his hand. "Legolas please promise me this. I know its a horrible thing to ask of you but I ask you because you have my complete trust, "
"I will promise to stop you to the best of my ability, " he finally said.
"Thank you Legolas," I smiled then blushed as I realised I was still holding his hand. I let go immediately. "I'm going to bed. thankyou for helping me," I said walking away and back to my bedroll. I slept in the end but not well no matter what anyone said to me the fear that I would hurt my friends was still there eating away at me. I woke up early once I realised I had no chance of getting any more sleep. I sat up slowly and admired how the early morning light reflected on the calm waters. "Morning Miss Annie, "
"Sam, what are you doing up this early?" I asked surprised to find anyone else up.
"Well, I suppose I could ask you the same thing. Although I do hope it doesn't have anything to do with yesterday, "
"I'd be lying if I said it didn't, "
"You shouldn't worry Miss Annie. Your strong and dare I say extremely stubborn. It'll be hard for anything to happen now you know and you have the magical necklace thingy, " he smiled.
"Thank you, Sam, " I kissed his cheek and left him then decided to go on a run with Midnight seeing as he disliked the boats. I shifted into a wolf and rushed through the trees playing a game of chase with Midnight which he thoroughly enjoyed. We were playing around for quite some time until unheard the others calling my name. M and I raced back to camp. They looked as if they had all been eating breakfast when they noticed my absence. The attention was drawn to Midnight and me. Gandalf smiled at me knowingly and so did Gimli seeing as he and I had known each other for so long. However, they both said nothing and left the others in the dark. Legolas looked rather worried. "Where could she have gone?" He asked no one in particular.
"I saw her just when I got up to make breakfast, " Sam said.
"Where are you Erestent?" Legolas mumbled and I took this as an opportunity to rub my head against his leg. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion before I clicked into place and he started laughing. "Yes, very funny Erestent. Now change back so we can get going, " he smiled. I shifted back. "Why did you have to blow my cover. I wanted to mess with you all a little bit more first Erarod, " I pouted. I looked at the others who had rather comical looks of surprise on there face. "Well, I can certainly say I wasn't expecting that, " Aragorn laughed before ushering us all to back up and get back into the boats.
As always we were off quickly continuing our long journey
"Annie, what is it you're calling pointy ears?" Gimli asked. "I call him Erarod, " I said. "Yes I know that lass but what does it mean?" He pressed. "Tall one, "I said. Gimli laughed
" So then he calls you short one?"
"Yes I do but I do not see what you're laughing at you're shorter than both of us, " Legolas pointed out. We both then laughed at a now red-faced angry Gimli grumbling in Kudzul.

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