Chapter 12: Lake Town

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Balin started a conversation with the man who I later learned was called Bard whilst Fili and I tended to Kili's leg. Once he was sorted we all climbed aboard the barge. I stood at the edge looking over the sea of fog that ensnared us before looking at my forearm and tracing my finger over the ragged letters on my arm. Abomination. I was trying to convince myself of how wrong that word was and how I was somehow normal when Thorin came up behind and grabbed my arm and brought it closer to him turning me around.
"Who did this to you? " he said sadly yet angrily.
"Some of the elves in Mirkwood, " Thorin slowly became angrier. "Thorin it's fine. I am not dying. I am merely scared. And before you swear to kill all the elves in Mirkwood or something stupid like that. I was also saved. By other Mirkwood elves. They are not all bad and I met my mothers best friend so it's not all bad so don't worry, " I concluded.
His eyes softened at the mention of my mother and he wrapped his arms around me.
"I am sorry I couldn't protect you. I promise to try my very best to keep you out of harm's way, " he said. I hugged him back before stepping away and laughing.
"You realise that I am always getting into stupid situations that put me in danger. You are going to have a tough time saving me from all my stupid decisions, " I laughed.
"She has a point there uncle, " Kili chimed in. I threw a random plank of wood at him.
"Oi! What was that for? You said it!" he cried.
"Just because I said it doesn't mean you have to agree with me, " I pouted and the company laughed. I even saw a slight smile on Bard's face which has been stoic for most of the journey so far. Then we all came together to try and collect all the money to pay Bard what we had promised. Gloin at first was reluctant to give us money but once the Lonely mountain was in sight his mind was soon changed. I walked over to Thorin who had come to stand at the front of the barge.
"I saw what you did by the way, " I said looking out at the water.
Thorin turned and raised an eyebrow at me.
"And what would that be, "
"You saved Legolas, " Thorin looked confused.
"The elf, " I corrected
"Not. A. Word. To anyone about that. But at least I did not spend enough time with him to learn his name and do not think I didn't catch you talking with him, " he looked slightly angry but I paid it no mind.
"He was kind and saved me from the people who hurt me. Not all elves are the enemy Thorin. Not all elves you meet are bad, " I reasoned although I doubt I could change his mind on the subject and Thorin said as much and I walked away to Bilbo mumbling about the stubbornness of dwarves. We talked for a while before Bard got us into barrels that were then also filled with fish. I sat covered in the sliminess for what felt like ages until we were all toppled out of out barrels.
We ended up climbing through the toilet into Bard's house. We sat around a fire and I glanced over at Kili for what seemed like the millionth time. He was looking worse and worse. I walked over and sat by him.
"It's not too far away now is it. The Mountain I mean, " Kili looked up at me smiling as much as he could he tried to cover up how he was but I saw right through it.
"No, it's not, "
"Are you alright?" I said putting my hand on his forehead. It was quite hot. He tore my hand away.
"I'm fine,"
Bard came back through the door and placed some so-called weapons on the table.
"What do you call this?" someone exclaimed.
"These are hardly weapons, " I agreed.
"In defence of your life these will serve you better than none, " he reasoned.
"We need real weapons, " Thorin said.
"The weapons are kept under lock and key in a guard tower you will not reach them, " Bard replied
Guess where we went.
________Short time skip________
"Are you certain this is a good idea?" I asked as we walked in shadows unseen.
"It's our only choice, " Thorin replied.
Some of us hopped through the window and began to grab some weapons. I stayed outside grateful to still have my own weapons. I heard a massive clang of metal falling. Then soon enough guards surrounded us and we were brought before the master of lake town. All the townsfolk gathered round to see the dwarves that had come to lake town and some were whispering of prophecies. The master of the lake came out and we all stood before him. Thorin made a speech about how lake town would ne be brought to its former glory. The Master liked the sound of this and agreed to help us much to this dismay of Bard though I didn't know what was wrong. We were given a good place to stay and had a feast but Thorin had stressed that we would leave early the next morning.

I woke up and got all my things together and found the rest of the company.
"Are you ready to see the mountain again, " I asked Thorin as I found him on my way to look for the others. He smiled slightly and nodded.
"Come. Let us get ready to leave and we will meet the others by the dock, " Once we had grabbed some food we walked down to the docks and waited for the others I saw Kili and he looked worse than before Thorin and I shared a knowing look. In his condition, he would not be able to come with us to the mountain. All of us were there apart from Bofur. But Thorin insisted we started getting on the boat when Kili tried to get on Thorin stopped him.
"You are in no condition to come Kili, " obviously not happy with the decision Kili tried to convince Thorin to let him go but to no avail. Fili refused to get on the boat "I belong with my brother, " he said when Thorin questioned him. I sighed knowing I would not see the mountain just yet. "And so do I, " I said as stepped off the most to stand beside Kili. Oin also got off saying his duty lied with the sick.
"Stay safe ok. All of you, "I said before they left. Once they were far away Bofur ran up disappointed he now had to stay behind. Kili stumbled forward and Fili and I caught him. "We need help. We need to go back to Bard's house, ". Fili agreed and so that's where we went. Bofur knocked on the door and Bard was not happy to see us he tried to shut the door but
Bofur stopped him. " Please, Kili is sick he needs help!" I cried worried for him. Bard to one look at him and let us inside and left shortly after. We set Kili up on the table and worked on trying to help him but he only seemed to be getting worse. Oin started trying to heal him and told Bofur to get some kingsfoil and he went off on his search. Crash! Orcs burst through the door and the girls started screaming in fright. I drew my blades and charged forward. "Die orc scum" I cried and sliced through the nearest orc severing its head and I went to work on the next. Another elf came into help she was one I had seen around Mirkwood whilst I was there. "Miss Ironheart, " I heard a sweet voice say behind me once all the orcs were dead. I span around and smiled slightly "Legolas?" He smiled back. "Legolas you know the half breed?" The she-elf asked in elvish. "Yes and the half breed still knows elvish if you had forgotten, " I replied sarcastically and annoyed. She seemed mildly shocked before she turned to heal Kili.
"I am going to go hunt down the other orcs, " Legolas said whilst the other went to work.
"You shouldn't go alone, " I said worriedly even though I know he is very skilled.
"Go with him then, " Kili whispered. I ran over to him.
"I can't leave you now can I?" I said smiling weakly.
"I'll be fine, " I looked up at the elf. "Can you save him?" I asked seriously. She nodded. "Good because if he dies you will have to deal with my wrath, " I said sternly.
"Trust me you don't want that, " Bofur chimed in. I rolled my eyes at his comment and smirked slightly. "Ready?" Legolas asked.
"Ready, " I confirmed. We ran out of the house and down to the docks where the orcs were circling we cut and sliced through orc after orc. I was fighting some smaller ones whilst Legolas went after the one called Bolg. I saw them both land hits on the other as I fought off the other orcs before I knew it Bolg was away and Legolas was left leaning against a wall with a look of confusion. I walked closer and looked up at him and to my surprise, he was bleeding. Without saying a word I reached up and wiped the blood away. "Are you alright?" We asked ins sync. I laughed lightly and he smiled.
"I need to go after him. He cannot get away I won't allow it, " he said seriously.
"You know for an elf you seem quite stubborn, " I remarked and he laughed. "I need to go back to my brother, " I said looking up at him.
"So I guess this is goodbye again then, "I suppose, " I stepped back and started to walk away and so did he. But I turned back around "Legolas!" I called and ran back to him and hugged him tightly he hugged me backs after his moment of shock.
"Look after yourself and Araniel. And Midnight. He is a good wolf, " I stepped back and he grabbed my hands.
"Until we met again," he said.
"Until we met again, ". With that, we both turned and ran. Him towards Bolg and I towards Kili. I made it back towards Bard's house. I burst through the door.
"Well hello dear sister, " Kili said cheerfully. I ran up and hugged him. "Thank Mahal you're okay, " I looked around Bards family.
"Are you guys alright too?" They all said they were. The youngest still looked a bit scared.
"What if they come back? What if they try and hurt us again?" I walked closer to her and knelt down to her level.
"If they want to hurt you they'll have to go through me first and I won't let them go through me, "

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