Chapter 5 : New begginings

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The next day I woke as the sun began to peer over the hills beyond. The wolf looked better. I really must give him a name I thought to myself as I got out of bed and got dressed. I wore my sisters' old clothes they are the only ones that fitted seeing as I was so young when we were taken I put some of my fathers old beads in my hair and placed on of my mothers rings on my finger so I would have something that belonged to each of the most precious people in my life. I miss them. I grabbed my various and placed them where they should be on my person.

I pulled my hood over my face, grabbed my prepared bag of supplies and headed out of the door of my beloved home for the last time the wolf trailing behind me

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I pulled my hood over my face, grabbed my prepared bag of supplies and headed out of the door of my beloved home for the last time the wolf trailing behind me. Even though he was completely fine now and I had tried to get him to leave I stayed. I was not going to complain after so many years of feeling alone it was nice to finally have someone even if I couldn't actually talk to them. I was honoured to have his loyalty. After I closed the door I ran down the hill and towards the centre of Rohan when I got close enough I turned into my wolf form figuring it would be easier as no one would pay attention to a stray dog running through town. The wolf followed the whole way once we were sufficiently far enough from Rohan and changed bag and began walking panting ever so slightly. I sighed in content it was so nice to be free again and know I would never go back to that foul place. I continued walking and turned around to see where the wolf was he came padding along to walk beside me. " I should really give you a name shouldn't I?" I questioned more to myself. The wolf nodded agreeing. "You can understand me? " I asked slightly shocked but after the experiences, I have had in Mordor nothing really surprises me anymore but this was quite shocking. " You want a name then? " I asked. The wolf nodded. "Hm let's see... Ah. I once had a sister and when she was born my parent said she had the darkest hair they had ever seen it was a black as night. My father wanted to call her midnight but my mother told him that she was a girl so they called her Raven. So.. What about midnight. Would you like that?
The wolf barked happily. " I shall take that as a yes then Midnight, ". I starred at the vast plains in front of me I could see the faint outlines of Fangorn Forest to my right in the distance and behind them, mountains stood proudly. We were going towards the gap of Rohan where we make our way to bree going through dunland and then following the greenway. Thank you Adad and Amad for making me study maps. " This is going be a long journey that's when Midnight made himself bigger just as I change forms although he did not change forms only size. Now he was a little bigger than a horse. He bowed his head down to me as if asking me to climb on I did so and held onto his neck and off we went racing over the plains and through the gap of Rohan after a little while Midnight slowed down to a walking pace and carried on when he began to tired further I slid off his side and walked beside him. It felt weird now looking up at him instead of down but it was nice to not have to walk that much and it would make the journey quicker.

Time skip to a while later (because they are just walking nothing interesting is going to happen)
We had made good progress and we closing in on our destination the moon was shining down on us and it was time we tried to get some rest for the day ahead of us. We settled down by a cluster of rocks to give us some cover and fell asleep. But we were woken by the sound of orcs marching and shouting. They saw us and we made a run for it but there was no use in running so I turned around drew my sword and started to cut down the orcs in front but there were too many ones managed to slice my stomach thankfully not too deep but I still bled a lot(that's another scar to add to the collection) they pinned me down and took my supplies but left my weapons as they could not see the daggers in the dark and they seemed to be afraid of my sword so they did not touch it. I looked around for Midnight but I could not see him so at least he was safe. Suddenly a loud howl cut through the orcs bickering as they argued over what to do with me. Then out from the shadows leapt Midnight scratching and hitting at the orcs making his way to me. Once he reached me I heaved myself onto him and held on for dear life as he bolted north. I was slowly losing blood but I stayed awake until Midnight came to a stop and I stumbled off him. Midnight whined in concern and nuzzled me. " It's an okay boy it's just a scratch."
Midnight opened in mouth slightly and I could see a strip of fabric stuck on fang. I took it off and tied around some of the wound to try and stop the bleeding. We now had no supplies whatsoever apart form weapons. We need to get to the Shire soon.
The next few days were a blur the only thing I could do was cling to Midnight as he walked. After a while, the moon began to shine and I saw the best sight I had ever seen. Lights. Small lights in little windows of little houses and holes. But soon the sight began to blur as even though the wound bleeds very little I had been several days and blood loss was getting to me I fell off of Midnight and stumbled to my feet clinging onto him. We continued on through the shadows at the outskirts of the Shire looking for a large hill with a big green door in the front. Soon I spotted it and we made our way towards it and when in front of I knocked as hard as I could on the door. Then I was confronted by a rather sleepy hobbit but when he looked up and me and Midnight he looked terribly afraid. " It's ok. I won't hurt you neither will Midnight but please help me, " I whispered out before darkness took me.
No one's POV
Bilbo was rather startled when he saw that girl on his doorstep and was positively terrified by that wolf of hers but he could not just leave her here passed out on his front door now could he? He grabbed her hand and tried to heave her into his hole but it was no use but then Midnight picked Annie up again and walked inside the hole. Bilbo scuttled in front and led Midnight to one of the guest rooms in the house. Midnight laid Annie down and changed into his smaller form and sat there by Annie's side as Bilbo ran into the kitchen made some tea and got a bandage out from a dusty cabinet and he was rather pleased with himself when he found he still had bandages in his home. He tended to the wound, although he wasn't quite sure what he was doing, whilst the kettle boiled. Once the wound was bandaged and the high pitched squealing of the kettle could be heard Bilbo ran back to the kitchen and made a cup of tea and placed it on the bedside table not sure of whether it would actually be drunk.

The next morning Bilbo was up at his usual time and went to check up on the girl to make sure it wasn't all just a terrible nightmare. The reality of it was confirmed when he saw her still lying there in the bed she opened her eyes weakly and Bilbo cautiously entered the room. "You gave me quite the scare you know, " he said timidly.
Anastasia did her best to smile and said " Yeah sorry about that. It is not how I intended to meet you,"
" So how do you know me if I may ask,"
" Of course you may. A certain wizard who wishes to remain anonymous said I should come here for my own safety. You see some bad creatures had held me captive for a long time and I have managed to escape but they may come looking for me some said I should seek asylum in the hole of a Mr Bilbo Baggins of Bag End for he would take me in."
" Oh, I see. Now, these creatures would not come here now, would they? I do not want any trouble brought to the Shire."
Bilbo said sternly although he was quite afraid.
" I assure you those creatures do not even know about the existence of this place the would never dare come this far from their lands, " Anastasia replied.
A wave of relief rushed over Bilbo. Now he could relax. Now he thought how bad of a host he was being to his guest.
" Oh I am terribly sorry I have not even asked your name nor offered you food or drink, " Bilbo rambled
" It's quite alright Bilbo Baggins. My name is Anastasia Ironheart, " Annie stated.
"Please just call me Bilbo, " Annie nodded, "Now let's find you a new shirt until I can clean the blood off that one, " Bilbo said walking out of the room to find something that might fit Annie. After he left Annie stood up shakily and petted Midnight who wagged his tail happily. Bilbo came back empty-handed apologising for not being able to find suitable clothing. That's when Annie had an idea if she could turn into a human perhaps she could change into a hobbit that would make it far easier to blend in here. But for that, she would need energy so she needed to each and her stomach agreed with that decision.
"Oh you must be starving, " Bilbo exclaimed before ushering her into the dining room where there was a whole assortment of different breakfast foods. Annie sat down and eagerly grabbed a sausage and bit into she had almost forgotten the taste of food. She then grabbed some bacon for herself and then threw some to Midnight who gratefully accepted it. "Please do come to join me. I don't bite, " Annie jested. Bilbo chuckled slightly and came and ate with Annie the meal was filled with light small talk. But soon Bilbo asked what had happened to her she hesitated slightly but she took a liking to the hobbit and trusted him so she told him what happened but it was not a very detailed account. Bilbo was overwhelmed with pity. This poor girl had been through so much and she was still so young from what he could tell. So he let her stay with him and Annie was extremely grateful.

Anastasia's POV.

Over the past few days, Bilbo and I have gotten to know each other more and we have become friends. As much as I tried to keep to myself and have no ties to anyone it didn't work. The guy is too damn likeable. I have gained a fair bit of my strength back and decide it's time for Bilbo to know of my shifting power. As if I want to go outside i can't really do it as I am it will draw far too much attention. So one morning when Bilbo and I were in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil I turned to Bilbo and said: "Okay I am going to try something but you need to promise me not be panic or leave me, ".
Bilbo looked at me concerned but nodded. I closed my eyes and concentrated on shifting eventually I managed to. I opened my eyes and Bilbo starred at me with wide eyes.
"Wh... What now?" Bilbo stuttered out.
"I don't know really I could just do it. After... You know,"
"Oh of course, " Bilbo replied then let out a chuckle. "It is quite amazing really, " he said smiling.
"Do you think it would be ok for me to go outside?" I asked hopefully
"I should think so but you must get rid of those daggers, " Bilbo exclaimed.
"Do I have to?" I asked making a pouty face.
"Yes Annie you do no one in the entire shire has any sort of weapon. You're lucky I let you keep those in my home, " Bilbo said slightly seriously.
"Ok fine, " i said walking to my room and setting me daggers down on the bedside table.
"Come on then Annie!" Bilbo called and off i went to explore the Shire.

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