Chapter 18: Trouble On The Mountain Pass

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I woke up to the rustling of bedrolls and the light flattering if feet. I stretched and groaned slightly before sitting up and knocking of Midnight who had fallen asleep in me.
"Sorry boy, "
The sun glared down but its heat was combated by the calm breeze. I stood up and ran my feet through my hair-knotted as always. I sniffed the air that was filled with the lovely smells of Sams cooking. I looked around and saw everyone gathered around the fire-eating.
"Is there any left for me?" I called getting closer. "Of course there is Miss Annie, " Sam said cheerfully. "
Of course it would be useful if you could get up at the same time as everyone else, " Boromir mumbled.
"What was that?" I challenged
"It was nothing, "Aragorn said glaring at Boromir slightly.
I scoffed down my food quickly and got to packing like everyone else. Thankfully I didn't bring too much with me other than the various weapons I kept on my person so packing didn't take long. We were back on the rocky path again keeping our course west of the misty mountains which we would need to stay on for quite a while. Midnight ran ahead happily and I looked at the lovely mountains. Lost in thought. So much had happened since I'd last seen them. I had a family and new friends and new feelings I still couldn't put my finger on. I frowned. Last time id passed these I had been running from the hell that is Mordor. Away from my past and my parents and my sisters. Oh, Mahal, I left them there. In that horrid place...forever.
They are just lying there somewhere tossed aside with no proper burial. I left them there. Those thoughts smirked my head for the next hour or so. We could've been walking for several but I wouldn't have been able to tell. My feet just carried me in the same direction as the others while my mind was elsewhere thinking about what I had done and what had happened in that damn place an did I had just listened to Raven her and Saphire may still be alive. I broke out of my thoughts long enough to notice that everyone was resting. I sat down on the nearest rock looking out over the Plains below. The thoughts still swirled my head like a never-ending storm. It only stooped when I felt a gentle hand in my shoulder and saw a familiar pair of blue eyes looking at me with concern.
" What troubles you, Mellon?" Legolas asked
"It's nothing, " I try to act as if I was fine not wanting to show how vulnerable I had become not wanting Legolas or anyone else to see me like everyone used to see me- as weak and pathetic.
"You can tell me the truth, "
"I just did, " I looked away from him only for him to move my head back to look at him
"No you didn't, " he said a little sternly. "I only want to help and I can't do that if you don't tell me the truth, " he pointed out.
I took a deep breath and sighed heavily.
"I was thinking about my sisters. How they are likely still in Mordor and nothing but a pile of bones and clothes. They died because of me and are stuck forever in that vile place. And here I am the selfish one. I got to live and to leave that place. I've got a family and a place to call home. I've got friends all over. I got to see my Fshters home and My mothers home and so many other amazing places. And what do they have. Nothing that's what. They don't even have a grave. They should be the one here not me if I hadn't been so arrogant and headstrong they might still be alive, " Legolas wiped a tear off my cheek that had fallen during my explanation.
"It's not you're fault they're dead, "
"I'm pretty sure it is, "
"It's not. Only one of you could live and all family wants to do is protect you're own and that's what you did. Think about it your sisters loved you they would've been willing to die for you just as you would for them or your brothers you talk of. Everything happens for a reason Anastasia if you had not suffered through all you had and escaped you may never have been Bilbo or you're father and the company. Many people may have died in the fury of Smaug or the battle of the five armies and I might have not met you, " he finished and stood up leaving me to think on his words. Midnight sat next to me He was right. There was no chance of us all living and they probably knew that from the moment we were taken and I was just too naïve and young to realise. But I've learnt. I smile thinking about what my sister used to say when I was upset and how Fili and Kili were so much like them. I guess that's why I feel so protective of Merry and Pippin. I am not really close to them but they remind so much of Fili and Kili and Raven and Saph. I saw the two misfits practising with Boromir which resulted in him being knocked to the floor by the two hobbits. What amused me further was Aragorn went to help Boromir only to be talked to the ground himself. They were all lying on the ground laughing and so was I.
"What's that, " Sam asked worriedly. "It's just a whiff of cloud, " Gimli dismissed. Midnight growled at it. I turned to see where the others were looking. It was times like this when I was thankful for my elven eyesight. "That's not a cloud Gimli. It's moving fast, " "and against the wind, " Boromir added.
"Crebain from Dunland, " Legolas shouted.
"Hide, " Aragorn ordered and we all ran for cover. I was looking for somewhere to hide when someone pulls me down and I landed on top of them. I repositioned and found myself looking up at Legolas as the Crebain swarmed overhead. I blushed slightly but hoped it had gone unnoticed.
"Thanks, "
"No problem, "
Once they had passed I got up off Legolas and helped him to his feet.
"They're Saruman's spies aren't they, " I asked Gandalf.
"That they are, " he said to me before addressing everyone, " The southern passage is being watched. We must take the Pass of Caradhas, " he announced. From there we headed upwards and higher we got the colder it became and the deeper the snow was. I was walking with Gimli near the front of the company occasionally looking at Legolas-who was scouting ahead. I had offered to go with him but he insisted I stay with the rest of the company.
"Boromir, " I heard Aragorn say warningly whilst helping Frodo off the ground. Boromir currently had a hold of the ring and was saying something I couldn't make out. I moved closer and saw Aragorn had a hand on his sword. He gave me a worried look and I drew a dagger from my belt and kept it at my side. Thankfully Boromir handed the ring back to Frodo and we carried on. Merry and Pippin walked up beside me.
"Hello, boys, "
"Hi Annie, " they looked like they wanted to to ask something but were unsure about.
"Ask your question. I'm sure I won't mind answering it, " they looked surprised that I caught onto what they were trying to do. .
"Can we have a look at your dagger, " Pippin asked slightly shyly. I smiled at them both before removing the two identical daggers from my belt and handing one to each of them. They looked at them in awe and it reminded me of the time when my Amad gave them to me. "They're beautiful, " Merry admired. That they are.
"No doubt a kingly gift from your father" Boromir commented. I glared at him slightly not liking the underlying rude tone in his voice.
"They weren't actually, " I pointed out as Merry and Pippin handed them back to me.
"How else would you come across fine blades like that?" He asked
"They were my Mothers, " I explained
"And did she come across them, "
"My Amad was no thief if that's what you're asking, " I defended. Boromir looked at me awkwardly.
"They were a gift from a friend who lived in Mirkwood. Who I later found out to be Queen Araniel, " I smiled to myself before leaving Boromir and rejoining Gimli.
"You and Boromir don't seem to be getting along well, " Gimli commented
"Oh really I thought we were best friends, " I said sarcastically.
"You may need to try and get along lass. We are all part of the fellowship and we're supposed to protect each other not make enemies, "
"I just don't like his tone. It outs me on edge as every comment he makes to me seems to have some sort of rude tone and underlying meaning, " I explained. Boromir and I had not been getting along well on this journey so far and I would like to say it was all started by Boromir but I was at fault too. We just couldn't get along and I've already said a few things to him that I regret but I'm not going to apologise. I don't want to give him the satisfaction of me admitting I did something wrong.
We continued up the mountains and everyone was wading through the very tall snow. Apart from Legolas and I of course who could get gently walk along the top with midnight by my side. I wrapped my cloak around my tighter trying to block out the freezing cold winds that blew my around slightly with their strength. I began to hear something on the winds
"Legolas do you hear that, " I called.
"There is a fell voice on the air, " he said
"It's Saruman, " Gandalf exclaimed.
I rush of snow fell down from above narrowly missing us all.
"Gandalf we must turn back. He's trying to bring down the mountain, " Aragorn pleaded.
Gandalf didn't listen and started chanting a counterspell
"We need to get off this mountain, " I said
"Make for the Gap of Rohan and take the West Road, " Boromir suggested.
"No the gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard, " Aragorn pointed out. Crash. Lightning struck above us and sent an unholy amount of snow crashing down on us. I kicked and thrashed and managed to bring myself back above the snow. I rushed and plucked Merry and Pippin out of the snow as they were struggling. I held them close and tried to keep them as warm as I could.
"We cannot stay here this will be the death of the hobbits, "
"Agreed, "
"If we can not go over the mountain let us go under it, " Gimli proposed.
"The mines of Moria, " I stated.
Gandalf did not look happy at the mention of Moria but he said nothing/of it.
"Let the ring bearer decide, " he said after a brief silence.

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