Chapter 38: Surprise!

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We were all gathered in a room laughing at the Durin brothers as they both rubbed the back of their heads with a whine of "Amaaaad, "
"You two are such children, " I commented.
"Anastasia, " Dîs smiled pulling me into a hug. "I'm so glad you're alright. You too Gimli, "
"Why doesn't she get hit?" Kili griped.
"Because she didn't just run off and leave a note, " she replied.
Dîs took a step back from us all and looked at us.
"So why is it that you are all here? And why is it that you are avoiding Thorin?" She said folding her arms.
"These are my sisters. Raven and Saphire, " I said causing a look of surprise and then happiness to pass over her features.
"I have heard nothing but good things about you both. Although I am a little confused on how you're both not dead, "
"I think that might be a story for another time, " Raven laughed.
"Definitely, "
"Amad this-"
"Is the reason why you have turned down every woman thst your uncle and have set you up with, " Dîs finished.
"How did you know?" Rîndis asked.
"Kili has been looking at you.and smiling the whole time we've been here," she explained. Kili blushed and Rîndis smirked at him noticing.
"My name is Rîndis and it is nice to finally meet you, "
"And last but not least, " Dîs said turning to Legolas.
"My name is Legolas. It is a pleasure to meet you," he said with a small bow.
"So you are the one who stole the heart of Anastasia," she smiled.
"How would you know that?" I questioned.
"All from the way you always talked of him when you recounted the story of your journey to Erebor, "
"So how do we tell Uncle of all this," Kili asked his mother.
"Gradually that's for certain," Dîs laughed a wide smile on her face.
"Annie you go find him whilst I get rid of the weapons in here. The rest of you go around the corner and wait,"
Everyone nodded and left the room. I noticed Legolas was looking a little nervous.
"Don't worry Legolas. It'll be fine, " I assured before leaving.

I wandered through the beautiful halls of Erebor and eventually found Thorin.
"Adad!" I called running to him.
"Nathith, " he beamed opening his arms as I tackled him into a hug.
"I've missed you Adad, " I said.
"I've missed you too and k had hoped that you would be marching all around middle earth putting yourself in so much danger, " he frowned a little.
"You can't complain too much Adad. I am here and still in one piece. Sure I may have gone a tad bit further than Rivendel but it was for the good of middle earth, "
"I suppose I should be grateful for that though next time you leave here I am sending someone else with you to keep you out of trouble, " he smirked.
"I don't think that'll do much good. Now come there are some people I want you to meet, " I smiled dragging him back in the direction of the room.

When we entered the room Dîs was already there. Thorin grew a little suspicious.
"Boys, " Dîs called.
Very very slowly the door opened and Fili poked his head around the corner tentatively before being shoved into the room by Kili causing me to snicker from my place on the corner of the room.
"You two. You have some explaining to do, "
"It was Kili. He was the one who said we should go, " Fili burst out.
"Me!" Kili exclaimed incredulously. "It was your idea!"
"Was not!"
"Was too!"
"Enough!" Thorin said banging his fist on the table. "You are princes of Erebor quit acting like children, "
"They haven't managed to stop acting like children in the last sixty years Adad. I doubt they'll start now, " I said.
"Oi, " my brothers exclaimed glaring at me.
"If this is what we get for saving your behind on the battlefield we'll leave you there unprotected next time, " Fili retorted.
"I some believe we have actually heard a thank-you for that yet brother, " Kili added.
"No. I don't believe we have, " Fili said folding his arms and looking at me.
"Thank you. For saving me. Although it was really just returning the favour since I saved both of you at the battle of that five armies, " I retorted making sure that they couldn't bring this up later and say I owe them something.
"As stupid as it was for them to leave you nothing but a note. They were of great help, " I said to Thorin.
"And for that, I won't be punishing them this time. But if you ever dare leave here again with just a note things will be far worse, " Thorin said a ghost of a smile playing at his lips as he saw the nervous looks plastered on his nephew's faces.

"Sooo now comes a little confusing part-" I popped myself off the wall "I take you remember my sisters, "
"How could I forget you would always talk about them often, "
"Yes well, it turns out their fates were not as certain as I had thought, "
Again the door to the room opened and this time Saphire and Raven stepped in. A look of confusion swept across Thorin's face as they entered but it soon turned to a wide smile.
Saphire and Raven stood mildly awkwardly before him before Thorin spoke.
"It is an honour to meet you both. I never thought I would have the pleasure of ever meeting you. Though it seems I was quite wrong, " he laughed. "You are welcome to stay here as long as you want. This can be home just as it was your fathers and as it is your sister's now, " he concluded.
"Thank you, my king, " Saphire said with a small now.
"Call me Thorin, " he said.
Saphire stood by Fili who gave her a warm smile and Raven came to stand by me.
"How long do you reckon until they start courting?"
"Not long. Especially if we start giving them some nudges in the right direction, " I smirked.
"I think our dear sister will be needed some shoves rather than nudges, "
"True, "
"Uncle. There are two final things we need to tell you about, " Kili said.
"And that would be?" he asked expectantly.
"Well you know how your nephew has never taken to any of the women we have thought would be a good match for him. It was because he had already found his One but neglected to tell you, " Dîs explained.
"Why didn't you tell me? This is great news, " Thorin cheered.
"Yes but uncle there is a reason I didn't tell you, "
"And there is also a reason I didn't tell you of my One either, " I added.
Hoping Rîndis and Legolas would take this as their cue Kili and I looked expectantly to the door. No one entered.
"We'll be back, " I called as Kili and I left the room.
We went in search of our other halves and found them and littles ways round from where they had been previously waiting.
"Is there a reason you're attempting to hide?" Kili questioned.
"I think your uncle is a valid enough reason, " Rîndis replied.
"It'll be fine. He let Kili and Fili off the hook pretty easily and I think he will love you both, "
"Once he gets over the fact you're both elves, " Kili added.
"Not helping Kee, "
"Right Legolas, come on, " I said grabbing his hand and dragging him down the corridor. Kili followed suit pulling Rîndis.
"Adad this is Prince Legolas of the Woodland Realm. He is the son of-"
"King Thranduil. Yes, I remember him. As I recall he took our weapons and imprisoned us in the Mirkwood dungeons, " Thorin said.
"He also saved me Adad and he helped us when the Orcs came, " I defended.
"An elf. Anastasia really?" Thorin sighed.
"I am half elf myself Adad don't forget it, "
Thorin was still half glaring at Legolas.
"Adad. I have asked him to marry me we already have the blessing of his family and we would also like yours, "
"That will not be given so easily but I may be given eventually, " Thorin said with a small smirk.
I felt Legolas' grip on my hand loosen slightly as we stepped aside for the last announcement.
Kili and Rîndis.
It went a little smoother than ours had simply because there was no bad history already at play. Although the fact Rîndis was an elf still things didn't go really well. Thorin did say it was okay for them to marry because Fili explained all that Rîndis had done for him and Kili over the many years they had known each other.

At the end of the day, everyone was happy and Thorin was still mildly overwhelmed by the amount of information he had been given to digest and Dîs. Dîs was just happy that her family had just gotten a whole lot bigger.

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