Chapter 22: The Breaking of the Fellowship

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Around midday, we rowed ashore once again.

"We travel by foot now. We leave at sundown and approach Mordor from the North, " Aragorn announced as I stood next to Legolas.

"Is it just me or does something feel slightly off to you? " I asked Legolas. He nodded in agreement.

"We must leave now, " Legolas protested.

"No orcs patrol the eastern shore. We must wait for the cover of darkness," he said in a tone that meant we could not argue the point any further.

I sat down on a rock and sighed not really happy with waiting around and feeling like a sitting duck. I sat there in silence and rolled up my sleeve to look at the scar on my arm. I never really paid it much mind since I had so many people around me who had proved that the belief of the elf that gave me this scar was so wrong.

"Do you still think about that day?" I looked up and saw Legolas in front of me.

"Not much really. I have a lot better things to think about know and as my father told me many times there is no point dwelling on the past," I continued to trace my finger over the lettering.

"What's that Annie?" Pippin asked. I rolled my sleeve down immediately not wanting to trouble Pippin with such things.

"It's nothing don't worry about it," I smiled reassuringly.

"Where's Frodo?" Merry asked, everyone, snapped to attention and Sam bolted up from his seat, no one had ever noticed him leave. I scanned the area and saw only Boromir's shield and no Boromir anger filled me as I thought of what Boromir Maybe trying to do.

"Come on we need to find them," I said and we all split up. I searched and searched but found no sign of Frodo or Boromir. I saw Legolas and Gimli ahead of me and I ran to join them.

"Do you hear that?" Legolas asked.

"Hear what?" Gimli said confused. I focused and paused for a moment.

"Boots. And lots of them," Legolas and I followed the sound and Gimli ran along after us not quite sure what was going on. Finally, we saw all the many Urukhais in front of us. The fight began. I drew my sword and slashed and sliced they were harder to kill though seeing as they weren't just a rabble of orcs. We tried to make our way over to Aragorn and succeeded once most were dead but there was a woman with him I had never seen before.

"Aragorn who is this?" I asked but before Aragorn could answer a horn sounded.

"The horn of Gondor," Legolas said.

"Boromir, " Aragorn said before running off the mysterious woman running after. Gimli, Legolas and I held the rear fighting off the new wave of Uruk-hais. We fought our way to Aragorn soon all the enemy had gone. Once we got there he was knelt on the floor...over Boromir who had been shot many times. Aragorn stood and shook his head. Boromir was dead. I wave of guilt washed over me. Sure we didn't get along but I shouldn't have been so rude to him. I never really gave him a chance. I looked to Legolas who had a look of sadness.

"We... We need to lay him to rest, " I said.

The others agreed and we moved Boromir's body to the river and laid him in a boat with his swords. Aragorn moved into the water and pushed the boat towards the waterfall.

Legolas, now with a look of determination on his face, began to push a boat into the water.
"Hurry Sam and Frodo have reached the eastern shore."

I looked to Aragorn who stood motionless.
"We're not going after them are we?" I asked sadly.

"I believe the fate of your friends is no longer in your hands, " the woman said from her position behind Aragorn. Everyone turned to her, of course, no one knew who she was other than Aragorn. She seemed uncomfortable with all the eyes on her.

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