Chapter 17: The Journey Begins

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When I woke up the next day I wrote a letter to my father and sent it off to Erebor with a bird. Before preparing my belongings for the journey to come. I met the others at the gate. Boromir walked to me and I was curious as to what he was going to do. "I apologise for my words yesterday it was uncalled for, " he said
"That's alright. I must admit way of life is not typical and I can understand your doubt but know I can hold my own in a battle, " I replied before we all made our final preparations to leave. I followed behind Gandalf and smiled slightly as Frodo asked him of what direction we must go in. I admired his willingness to go but was worried about what his unfamiliarity with the outside world may bring.
"Did you send a letter back to Erebor lass?" Gimli asked walking up beside me.
"Yes, I did they shall now of what we are doing soon, " We took a break around midday due to the insistence of the hobbits needing rest and food. Pippin never gives up when it comes to trying to get food. So we all sat down and Gimli went out to scout the area a little.
"So care to explain your little trick from yesterday, " Aragorn asked.
"I am able to shift between various forms though I do not do it too often as the change often takes a lot of energy. Elf and dwarf forms are the easiest given the fact I am part of both of those races, " I explained.
"So the rumours are true, the Princess of Erebor is a half breed, " Aragorn said. I nodded.
"And I hope that does not affect your opinion of me, " I said directing at everyone present.
"I can assure it will not Miss Ironheart, " Sam said being as cheerful as usual.
"Sam you can just call me Annie, " "Okay Miss Annie, " he said before going to talk with Frodo who had walked a little ways away from the group. I smiled amused by the fact he won't stop calling me miss.
"So Anastasia how did you get the weird magical. firepower. Stuff?" Pippin asked curiously.
"That is a long story, Pippin, "
"One they should probably know Anastasia, " Gandalf said encouragingly. I sighed.
"Well, I suppose you all ought to know. I once lived with my parent and my two sisters. Before orcs raided my house and killed my parents captured us. They took us to Mordor where we stayed for a while and where we had to demonstrate our skills and work around Mordor for the orcs that were there. Eventually, I was taken aside and brought to a room. I don't remember much of it now all I remember is a glowing red light and burning. But I ended up in a room with my sisters where we were told to fight each other which we refused, " I sighed heavily, "This ended up with us fighting many orcs and me being the only survivor. From then on I was treated worse and I would prefer not to relive any of that but I found out about my abilities by accident and used them as a way to escape once I had convinced the orcs that I would comply with their wishes and had no hope left, " My story was met with silence. "I am going to go for a walk, " I got up quickly and walked away into the nearby woods and sat on a fallen down tree in a little clearing. I traced the cracks of the bark on the tree trying not to cry. I couldn't show any weakness anymore. This is an almost impossible task there is no time for weakness.
"Are you alright?" I looked up to see Legolas.
"Yes, I'm fine just still can't really come to terms with it all. Back then everything was fine and good and then it all changed so quickly. And now everything is good but that may not last we are middle earth's last hope to destroy the ring and if we don't. then I don't even know what will happen. I don't want to lose all that I care about again. I wouldn't be able to cope with that, " I sighed and tucked my knees into my chest and rested my head on them. I admired the surroundings. The trees were luscious and green and they swayed gently in the cool breeze that blew. Legolas sat down next to me.
"You need to have faith. In us and yourself we will destroy the ring and keep our people safe, " Legolas comforted. I leant on his arm and took a deep breath.
"You are right, " I said standing up. "Now come on we have a journey to complete, " I pulled Legolas off the fallen tree and we walked back to camp where everyone had packed up and was ready to travel again. As we were walking I noticed Gimli talking to Legolas for a short time which is something I thought I would never see. I walked up behind them and put a hand on their shoulders which startled Gimli but not Legolas, of course, being an elf he knew I was coming. "Well, I never thought I would ever see you two talking together, "
"Well maybe Elves aren't so bad after all, " Gimli said defensively. I laughed loudly. "What are you laughing about Lass, "
"Never in my life did I think that Gimli son of Gloin would ever say something nice about elves, " I chuckled and left them to their conversation and walked up to Aragorn who was at the front of the group by himself.
"Care for some company?" I asked. "That would be appreciated," Aragorn and I talked for a while about weaponry and random subjects until I asked him about the necklace he was wearing. He told me about Arwen, who I had spoken to briefly in my time in Rivendell, and told me of how they were together.
"You know I heard that elves only fall in love once in their lives although I do not know if it is true or not," I said "I have heard the same although I have never thought to ask," I looked at him questioningly.
"You have been together with an elf for ages and you never thought to even ask," I laughed.
"Well you're half-elf shouldn't you know," he retorted.
"Touché, "
"We shall camp here for the night," Aragorn called back and we all set up the camp and Sam started to cook dinner which I helped with having picked up some skill in cooking from both Bilbo and Bombur. We all chatted around the fire before heading to bed. "I'll take the first watch," I called before the other went to bed. The other wents to sleep and all fell silent I kept a small fire going and I watched the flames dance for a while before getting a bit bored I didn't mind staying up with no company and not being able to leave the others it does become boring. That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Legolas. I smiled up at him. "Would you like some company?" he asked. "That would be lovely," I replied. he came and sat next to me by the fire. we sat there in comfortable silence before he spoke again.
"You know I admired your bravery today, "
"What bravery?"
"You told us all of the worse time of your life you had to relive those memories that I am sure you would rather forget that is not an easy thing to do," he replied.
"You deserved to know. It may affect the journey, I don't know what will happen when I get close to Mordor again. sometimes I used to feel it call to me for a reason I cannot explain. the power I was given came from Modor and is connected to it. I only hope that Sauron is not able to exploit it," I said wrapping my cloak tighter around me feeling the chill of the night air.
"That does not make it any less difficult, "
" I suppose," I was starting to feel tired now my eyes were beginning to close even though I wished to speak to Legolas more.
"Go to sleep you need rest, "
"I am fine Legolas besides it not time to wake the next watch yet," without another word he picked me up and I squeaked out of surprise, not my finest moment,
"Legolas put me down," I whispered as we were now amongst the sleeping fellowship Legolas put me down on my bedroll.
"Sleep I will wake the next watch when it is time, "
"Thank you, Legolas, "
"Goodnight Anastasia," he said before walking back over to the fire and I went to sleep.

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