Chapter 27: To Isengard

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"Please wake up, " was the first thing I heard and I felt something squeeze my hand tightly. Legolas. I was awake but had no strength to do anything yet. "Please I need you here with me, "
"Come on lass, " Gimli said desperately. I felt my energy return but felt tired all the same.
"Be quiet I'm trying to sleep, " I groaned. A chorus of relieved sighs and small laughs filled the room. I smiled and opened my eyes. Aragorn, Gimli and Gandalf stood to one side.
"It's good to have you back, " Gandalf said. "It's nice to be back, " I smiled. Gandalf left needing to speak to the King about something.
"We were worried you may not wake, " Aragorn said. "What you did almost drained you completely, "
"But it was awesome. There were so many chargrilled Uruks it was unbelievable, " Gimli chuckled. I laughed both at Gimli's comment and the disapproving glare Aragorn sent his way. Aragorn looked over the other side of me. Legolas. I sat up and faced him. He rushed to make me comfortable.
"Don't fuss over me Legolas I am fine, " I laughed as he was in a fluster. I smiled at him.
"We were all worried Legolas most of all, " Aragorn added. Legolas' cheeks flushed slightly.
"Now pointy ears. Remember the deal, " Gimli smiled.
"You didn't beat me though, "
"I was level with you on 43," Legolas replied.
"You were on 42," Gimli argued.
"Then I killed the one you sitting on and made 43,"
"It was already dead, "
"No, it wasn't it was twitching, "
"That's because it had my axe embedded in its nervous system, " Gimli exclaimed. Aragorn and I laughed at the scene.
"It sounds to me Legolas like you lost the bet?" Aragorn added to Legolas' dismay.
"What bet?" I asked.
"None of your concern lassie, " Gimli smirked and the two left the room. I turned back to Legolas.
"What bet?" I repeated.
"Well before the battle started Gimli challenged me and said if I killed more Urukhai than him I could choose a forfeit for him but if I lost I would have to reveal my true feelings, " he mumbled the last bit nervously. I blushed a little hopeful that perhaps Legolas felt the same way I did. But then I realised what Gimli had done.
"I'm going to kill that dwarf, " I grumbled with a smile on my face knowing what he had done.
"I believe we have both been played. He made the exact same bet with me, " I explained. Legolas looked at me hopefully.
"What feelings did you have to reveal?" He questioned. I paused for a minute trying to find the right word before suddenly
"Men lananubukhs me Legolas, " I blurted out without really thinking.
"I would prefer to hear it in the common tongue or Sindarin. Melleth Nîn (My Love) for I don't understand Kudzul, " he laughed at my nervousness.
"I love you Legolas, "
"I love you too Anastasia, "
Before I knew what was happening his lips were on mine. He broke it quickly after reading what he had done.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it, " I smiled what I supposed was a goofy smile and kissed him. "You have nothing to be sorry for, " he kissed me again.
We broke apart when M came bounding in and knocked me back into the bed and licked my face.
"Hey boy. Did ya miss me? Huh, " I petted him and he relaxed and got off me. I stood up, stretched and wobbled slightly. Legolas grabbed my waist to steady me.
"Thank you Amrâlimê (My love), "
We exited the healers and rejoined Aragorn, Gimli and L.
"It's nice to see you're still alive, " she smiled.
"Likewise. Now do we get to know your name or am I just going to have to call you L forever?"
"My name is Lorelei. I apologise for my secrecy but -"
"You have your reasons. Don't worry you don't need to explain yourself, " I reassured.
"What now?" I turned to Aragorn.
"We head to Isengard once we have got the people safely back to Rohan. Saruman's army is gone and we need answers, "
"Agreed, "
"Come we have no time to waste, " Gandalf called. We mounted our rides and headed for Isengard. I rode M, as usual, next to Legolas and Gimli. At the front rode Théoden and Gandalf and between them and us was Éomer, who I found was Éowyns brother, Lorelei and Aragorn.
I spoke with Legolas and Gimli for a while although it mostly consisted of Gimli teasing us and our faces reddening. I noticed Aragorn and Éomer fall back slightly and I took the opportunity to go speak to Lorelei for a bit.
"How are you feeling?" she asked.
" better my strength seems to grow as time goes on. I frowned knowing we were also edging closer to the power of Sauron present at Isengard through Saruman.
"Do not worry. My brother told me about your condition. You are strong and a force to be reckoned with, "
"Thanks, " I said she looked back at Éomer briefly before looking back.
"You and Éomer. Huh?"
She tensed. "No. We're. We're not together, " she stuttered which I thought wasn't possible.
"But you want to be?"
"Well. Yes but I don't know if he feels the same, " she explained.
"Well for what it's worth. I think he does. You should tell him before everything gets a little messier. It took a battle for me to admit my feelings to Legolas and it ended well but I could've died and so could he. Don't wait to tell him, " I persuaded.
"There won't be a good time to with what is to come, " she dismissed
"I hear there is to be a celebration tonight. That would be the perfect time to tell him and afterwards, we can get drunk and have a good time, " I smirked.
"I can't say no to that plan. Can I?"
"No, you can't, "
"Hey, Annie. Your âzyungâl (lover) misses you, " Gimli teased. Aragorn and Éomer laughed. I twisted and sat on M facing the men behind. Lorelei laughed at my new position.
"May I remind you Gimli son of Gloin that I won our little bet and I've still got to decide your forfeit so if I were you I'd be treading carefully, " I responded which shut Gimli up.
Éomer laughed at Gimli.
"I don't know what you're laughing at horseboy. You still owe me from our little bet, " Lorelei pointed out. Which shut Éomer up too.
"Women, " Éomer grumbled.
"Aye women, " Gimli added.
Lorelei and I high fived quite happy with the results of our actions. Although Aragorn was still laughing.
"Shut up you. Just because you haven't lost any bets recently, " Gimli exclaimed.
"We need to get Aragorn at some point, " I said to Lorelei not caring if anyone heard.
"Oh, we shall. He is my brother after all, "
"Perhaps we should get Arwen in on it once this all over, "
"That sounds like a plan, "
The tower of Isengard came into view and we all line up along the cliff face looking out over the destruction. Everywhere was flooded and almost everything was destroyed. The large black tower still stood strong in the middle though seemingly unharmed by the whole endeavour. We made our way down and laughed and cheers of two certain hobbits filled the air.
"I think we've found our hobbits, " I smiled. There was another voice too I heard it sounded familiar but I couldn't determine who the voice belonged to.
We carried on and Merry and Pippin came into view.
"Welcome my lords, to Isengard, " Merry said cheerfully.
"You young rascals! A merry hunt you've had us on and now we find you here feasting and smoking, " Gimli exclaimed. My eyes landed on the woman with them. There was a blackness under her skin I looked closer at her face. Then it hit me.
"Saphire, " my voice filled with sadness and shock. She was alive after all these years she was alive. I smiled.
She looked right at me. She jumped off the wall and I leapt off of M. I hugged her tightly we were both in tears. Like the old days, Saph began to fuss over me and I swatted her away. "Even after sixty years you're still fussing over me, " we both laughed.
"I thought you were dead, " I said more tears falling.
"I'm sorry. I tried to find you but I was taken here shortly after what happened, " she explained.
"Don't worry I'm just happy to have you back, " I hugged her again. I suddenly realised how silent it was and noticed all eyes were on us.
"Everyone this is my sister Saphire Ironheart, " I smiled.
"It's an honour to meet ya lass. I've been told many stories of the Ironheart siblings' antics over the years, " Gimli chuckled.
"It is nice to see your sister is alright but we still have Saruman to deal with, " Théoden pointed out. I nodded and led Saph to M and helped her on after me. We continued on and I told her about each member of this company. Soon we stood before the great black tower and an ent greeted us.
"Young master Gandalf. I'm glad that you've come. Wood and water, stock and stone I cam master but there is a wizard to manage locked in his tower, " the ent said.
I noticed now that Saph's grip on my waste was diminishing.
"Are you alright, " I asked turning around.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about me now. Let's just deal with Saruman, " Saphire dismissed.
I turned back around but soon Saph nearly fell off M but Legolas stopped her. I grabbed ahold of Saph who was looking very weak.
"Just breath everything will be fine, " I said but didn't take my own advice. I couldn't use her now j had just got her back. I called for Gandalf but he was preoccupied with talking to Saruman. I kept ahold of her trying to work out what was wrong. There was a sickening crunch behind. Saruman. Empaled on a wheel that was some way to go. I looked back to Saphire he black was draining from her. Colour returned to her face.
"The black it's fading, " she told her sister.
"It seems Saruman was syphoning your power, " Gandalf surmised.
I smiled happy she was alright. Then every inch of my skin began to burn and a voice. A powerful voice began to shout.
"You.Are.Mine!" I hunched over and tried to cover my ears from the noise but it was all useless.
"Get that thing away, " Saphire shouted.
It all ceased suddenly and I tried to regain my breath.
"Meleth nîn are you alright?, " Legolas asked grabbing my hand. I squeezed it and nodded. "Yeah just give me a second, "
I shook off the deep-seated terror before it settled fully.
"There is no more we can do here let us return to Edoras,"

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