Chapter 1:The Beggining

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Everything was as it should be in Rohan. The market was bustling with people buying and selling anything and everything you could need. The laughing of young children could be heard as they ran around playing and the shouting of insults could also be heard amongst the laughter and chatter of the market. The youngest daughter of Laeanna and Durrith Ironheart was getting into another fight with a person undoubtedly twice her size- which was rather common these days.

Anastasia Ironheart, She was youngest of three siblings all born to Laeanna and Durrith. Laeanna was a beautiful elf who was about 3,800 years old and her husband Durrith was an overly stubborn dwarf (even by dwarvish standards) who was around 150 years old. Even though it is widely known around the entirety of middle earth that these to races despise each other these two fell in love.

Laeanna had been a highly decorated, albeit disliked, member of the guard in the woodland realm.

She was known not only for her beauty and rare purple eyes but for her skills in archery and with daggers. Laeanna had been on patrol one sunny yet sullen day looking out for the spiders that would often come too close to the borders of Mirkwood when her comrade heard the unmistakable heavy breathing of a dwarf in the distance. Why he had wandered this close to an Elven city no one knew. Not even the dwarf. Laeanna and her fellow guards snuck up on the dwarf with ease, Laeanna had taken the drawing the string of her bow taught and notching the arrow.

"Why are you here Dwarf?" She questioned with bite as any elf coming across a dwarf would, however the usual disdain behind the words was lacking.

Durrith looked up at Laeanna through a mass of black curly hair and was ultimately taken aback. Her eye sparkling in the small amount of light the pierced through the thick cloak of trees.

After shoving their weapons directly at his short figure and insisting that he must come with them to stand before the king for entering his land. The dwarf after sadly realising he had no other choice begrudgingly agreed to follow. Or at least that how he said it went, in truth, he was almost eager to go if he was to spend more time in the presence of the beautiful elf with purple eyes that stood in front of him. Although he did mask this strange eagerness with some angry muttering in Kudzul about how annoying elves were and how he would rather just be on his way back home to Erebor - he had been visiting some old friends of his who lived in Rohan who had saved his life many years ago. When they reached the throne room and stood before King Thranduil his face immediately turned sour at the sight of Dwarf in front of him. After asking several questions and the dwarf simply shrugging and telling him to "Ishkh khakfe andu null" Thranduil sent the dwarf to the dungeons. So Laeanna took the Dwarf down to the dungeons where he would stay until he answered the Kings questions. But of course, being a dwarf he just sat there refusing to speak. the more time that went by the less food he got to eat. Or so that's what the King thought. a certain she-elf had taken a liking towards this gruff dwarf. You see she had never really liked King Thranduil that much but seeing as he was King she remained loyal to him. She had to contain her laughter when the dwarf had insulted him and made his face turn so red with anger it would rival the colour of a tomato. She thought she rather liked this dwarf though she knew she ought to hate him as most of her kin did but she couldn't and she spent a long time thinking of what she should do. In the end, she ended up befriending the dwarf and learning his name was Durrith. she would come and bring him extra food when it was her turn to guard him. They spoke for hours and got to know each other pretty well over the few weeks he was there, in the end, they decided to escape. Even though Laeanna was a woodland elf she never felt like she belonged she was different to most of her kin and didn't have many friends, she let her emotions control her more than most elves and was silently judged for her behaviour at times. Laeanna accepted she was different but with Durrith she felt like she may have somewhere to belong. So one night when there was a feast being held and all other guards were in attendance they escaped Mirkwood and headed for Rohan. They found a place to stay near the outskirts of Rohan that had been abandoned by the previous owner. Laeanna had tried to convince Durrith to return to Erebor to be with his kin but he didn't have much family left and he felt like he belonged elsewhere (hence why he would often travel to different parts of middle earth to visit friends he had made on his travels. So there, in Rohan, they stayed and their relationship grew and many years later they had three children Raven, Saphire and Anastasia.

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