Chapter 4 : After

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5 years later. No one's POV

Anastasia sat in the decrepit cage waiting for the day to begin. "Why do you get up so early Annie? It can't be healthy." Saphire said staring at her sister.
"Yeah since when did you get up early I used to have to literally drag you out of bed in the mornings, " Raven added smiling. Anastasia laughed a ghost of what could have been a smile flashed over her features.
"Look at her, " a scratchy voice cut through the air. Anastasia turned to look at the orc who had spoken as he continued"A freak this one is always talking and smiling to herself. Too weird for my liking, " He finished.
Annie turned back to look at her sisters. But they weren't there. Then she remembered that day again. The one she kept trying to forget. The day her sisters died and she was alone forever. A single tear slipped down her cheek at the memory.
"Come on!" The orc yelled bashing his sword against the bars. I stood up and walked over to the bars and stuck my hands through a gap to have them tied. "Who do you serve," he asked.
"I serve the master," she replied emotionless. The door was opened and she walked out towards the armoury where she trained. Once locked in the room and relieved of her bonds her training began and then subsequently her work. Afterwards, she was taken back to her cage and asked: "Who do you serve?"
"I serve the master, " she replied.
"And who do you belong to? ," he asked.
"I belong to the master".

Weeks later ( sorry for all the time skips) in Rivendell 3rd person Pov
Gandalf was sat in Rivendel for a council meeting called by Lady Galadriel. He had no clue what had prompted the meeting it must have been important. A horn sounded in the distance announcing her arrival. Eventually, she came and sat with Gandalf. "Thank you for coming," she said with her usual grace. Gandalf nodded in response. "I have asked you here to inform you of a girl. She is unique and stronger than even she knows. She will play a part in what is to come. You will find her in the markets of Rohan from there you must help her onto the right path.
Mordor. Anastasia POV

It was working finally. They thought I was theirs and they were beginning to trust that I would behave unsupervised and unguarded. I continued to train and work and become a better 'weapon' for the master with the addition of what they called demoralisation which was simply torture. They would beat me cut me and burn me. All in small doses but it was no less painful. I used to cry out in pain. Now I take it all in silence just staring at whoever was hurting me. Which I knew scared them more than they would ever admit. Some of the lower-ranked orcs feared me completely, as all the heard of me was rumours which only became more exaggerated the lower the rank it reached, so the higher ranks used this to their advantage and would make me do rounds around the plains to keep the orc there in line with another orc. The more rounds I did the better I knew the land and the more I heard about the land from the orcs I was there to supervise. I learned of a tunnel that housed the great spider Shelob. I did not know where it leads but I was sure it must be on the other side of the mountains.
That was how I would escape although. It would only work if I could get my shapeshifting under control. I was shocked when it first happened. An orc had changed his sword on the bars when I was sleeping and in my shock, I shifted into a wolf for a moment before shifting back into my normal form. From then on at the end of the day when I was left alone in my cage, I would try and recreate what I had done that day. It was very infrequent sometimes I managed to shift into a wolf sometimes I didn't other times I shifted into what I could only assume was a human form as every time I shifted a wave of flame came over me and sometimes this would happen but I would still be the same but maybe a little taller. Eventually, I was able to control more but the time I could stay in a different form would differ and I would tire easily as it was still very hard to force myself to shift. But I wouldn't have to stay shifted for long so tomorrow I would put my plan into action as if I didn't do it soon I feared I would go mad I was when up by the guard clanging on the rusty bars, as usual, the metallic sound ringing through the cavern. The same questions were asked: " Who do you serve?"
" I serve the master."
"Who do you belong to?"
"I belong to the master."
After the had given the same responses I had given for the past five years. Once we reached the furthest point of our patrol I drew my sword from its holster on my back a sliced off the head of the orc that was in front of me and ran. Thankfully, I was able to shift into my wolf form and that allowed me to run faster. I made my way to the tunnel where the great spider Shelob dwelt. While running through I heard what could only be the whining of a dog?No a wolf. At the side of the tunnel, a wolf laid with wounds scattered over its body. I knew I should just keep going but I couldn't just leave the poor wolf to a giant spider. I turned back into my regular self and caution made my way over to the wolf. It was too weak to fight back when I picked it up but it did growl in annoyance and anger especially when I began to run. I had begun to sense a presence watching me I knew it was likely Shelob. I made a dash for the exit and I could feel her gaining on me but it soon died off I reached the end of her territory. Thank Mahal. I continued to walk down the path which comes to an abrupt stop I peered over the edge to see what seems to be stairs and lots of jagged rocks. "What are we going to do now?" I asked the wolf that now was content to be carried. He looked up at me with what looked like a questioning look and I looked back a smile playing on my lips although I think I have almost forgotten how to smile at this point. I knew I had no choice I must keep going and put ad much distance between me and this foul place. So I placed the wolf over my shoulder and held onto him with one hand as he growled in disapproval but I took no note of him. If he wanted to be saved he would have to deal with being a bit uncomfortable. I began my descent down the stairs although it is a far stretch to call them stairs. Upon reaching the bottom I made my way to the city of Osgiliath but stayed far from it and went round I did not like that place and was not sure how I would be treated. As to them, I am a battered bruised and scared 20-year-old woman who has come from the lands of Mordor. They are surely going to ask a lot of questions and I am not in need of that. So instead I aim to make it to the white mountains there I can try and get home. Home. Never thought I would ever go home again. I just kept walking and walking I was interrupted by the whining of the wolf in my arms. I set him down and study his wounds and find one on his leg is bleeding so I ripped a piece of my tattered shirt that is too small for me now and tie it around his leg much to his dismay. " I know I know it hurts but it has to be done, ". After bandaging his leg I picked him up again and continued my walk toward the white mountains. Soon a collection of oranges and reds filled the sky and the sun made its descent into the unknown I looked around the pale mountains that were in view and searched for a cave. There were none in sight but there was a small dent in the mountainside that would provide more shelter and protection than the plains that surround me now. When I reached the small cave I carefully set the wolf down and went off in search of wood and maybe some food. I walked along the mountainside in hopes of finding sticks but no luck and so I marched back disappointed. " looks like we are going to be cold tonight boy, " I said flopping down with my back against the rocky wall. The wolf whined and dragged himself to his feet and padded over to me slowly and sat down again head on my leg. I cautiously reached my hand out and carefully pet his head and he gradually began to shut his eyes. I took this time to look at the rather large wolf. His frame was adorned with scars most have been healed with time. His fur was a black as night and when open his eyes were as red as blood. I sat huddled with the wolf until sleep consumed me.

The next day I was awoken by the flooding of light into the small cavern. I opened my eyes groggily and looked down at the wolf who almost had the same expression I imagined was on my face as well. He rolled off me lazily and got to his feet as I did the same yawning. My back ached from the way I had slept but I knew I had to get going now. The wolf's injuries seemed to pain him less as he started padding around outside impatiently and so the journey continues. We walked alongside the white mountains for about half a day then went away towards the outskirts of Rohan where my home still stood on top of a small green hill. We reached the door and I pushed it open praying the bodies of my parents were not still lying lifelessly on the floor. Thankfully they were not but the house looked so lifeless and depressing. The brightly coloured flowers that my Amad had placed proudly on the table were faded, wrinkled and falling on the dusty table beneath. Everything seemed to have a sheet of dust covering it. I wandered inside further to my old room and sat down on the side of the small bed waves of emotions flooded me as I thought back to that night and the ones that followed. My family was dead and I was alone. Tears pricked my eyes as I laid back on my old back and finally I let them fall and once they started they didn't stop years of repressed emotion overwhelmed me. I stayed there crying for a while when a wet nose nuzzled my hand and brought me out of thoughts. Now I have had my moment of weakness I must get back on track. Emotions are hindrance they only make it harder to survive. If you only worry about yourself others can't get you killed and you can't get others killed. It simple and it's easier. My stomach grumbled. Food. The market. I grabbed my sister's hooded cloak of the hooks by the door and walked out the back of the house only to be greater with a tombstone reading "Laeanna and Durrith Ironheart, ".
I stood there for a moment staring before continuing. I walked down the hill and towards the centre of Rohan where the market was the noise and bustle of people was the same as it always had been. Looking at it, it felt like nothing had ever happened that I could turn around and see Raven and Saph staring at me impatiently waiting to walk back home baskets in hand. But that would never happen it would never be the same not for me.
I made my way to the market and wandered around the stalls selling food once I had gotten some for me and some meat for the wolf. I made my way over to where the healing herbs we're being sold when I bumped into someone. "My apologies I was not looking where I was going, "
"Well never in my life have I heard Anastasia Ironheart be so polite, " the old man replied
" do you know who I am ?" I questioned curiously.
"Well, I would not expect you to remember me you had only just celebrated you 20th Dwarvish birthday last time I was here. Although I think you more than others took a liking to my fireworks., " he said laughing slightly
"You're Gandalf the grey, aren't you?" I asked vaguely remembering the wizard and his amazing fireworks.
" Ahh so you do remember, " he said smiling
"vaguely, " I replied.
After this, he proceeded to hand me a small sack of herbs."For the wolf, this should have him right as rain in no time, "
He said. I took the herbs questioningly but he was a wizard he had his ways of finding things out.
"May I make a suggestion?" I nodded." I know a fair bit of your recent past and I am very sorry for what has happened to you but I cannot change the past but I may help your future. You best chance of escaping the horrors behind you low not in these lands but far away from in here the lands of small folk. " "Hobbits?" I exclaimed. "Yes hobbits, " he replied, "The shire is safe and quiet you can live in peace until you know what you wish to do, " he finished.
"No hobbit would ever take me in. They don't like the 'big folk' hanging around theirs lands. I would have nowhere to stay and would better off staying here. Even if it is nearer to that damned place, " I said
" What if I said you would have a place to stay?" he asked a smile playing on his lips.
"Go on."
"There is a hobbit by the name of Bilbo Baggins and he lives in bag end. There you would be safe. He is not your typical hobbit and is more open to the weird and wonderful. With him, you would be safe and if you want to be safe I suggest you stay here tonight and leave at first light on the morrow, "
"  Are you certain he will take me in?"
" Yes, I am certain, no hurry home keep your head down then tomorrow head for the shire. Time waits for no man nor woman."
I nodded and thanked him for the herbs before returning home and heading to bed.

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