Chapter 36: Back again

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We arrived at the border of the forest of Mirkwood. I smiled at how nice it felt now. All of the sickness seemingly have fled.
"As far as I know there are no more spiders plaguing our lands and haven't been for some time, " Legolas said walking closer to the forest. I was still a little apprehensive despite knowing the forest was not was it was many years before.
"You're not scared of a forest now are ya, Annie, " Gimli laughed.
"Well if you'd been trapped in there with a bunch of dwarf eating spiders that were twice your size if not more you would be a little cautious, " I defended.
"Aye fair point, "

Legolas led us into the forest. The air wasn't as thick any more and the trees were far less suffocating. Light swam between the trees and the leaves flickered in the breeze.
It didn't take long for our location to be known by the elves of Mirkwood.
Unlike my first time here I was greeted with smiles although I supposed most of them were at the return of their Prince. We were led to the gate and entered through the large door.
"It's strange. I feel like I should be being threatened by someone, " I said
Legolas laughed.
"Well I could always take your weapons again but I don't believe I would remain your betrothed for long if I did so, "
"No I don't suppose you would laddie, " said Gimli.
"Betrothed?" Exclaimed a mildly familiar voice. I looked behind us and saw the red-haired elf from all those years ago.
"Tauriel, " Legolas greeted seemingly half surprised to see her. So that's her name.
"My Prince, " she returned bowing her head lightly.
She followed us into the grand throne room with the other members of the guard. Before sat Thranduil in his throne of twisted branches and a small smile played upon his lips. By his side stood Araniel. She seemed to be struggling to contain herself completely and as soon as the others had left the room on the Kings order she left down and threw her arms around her son.
"Ioneg na bar (my son is home), " she almost cried.
"I've missed you Naneth, " he replied.
I smiled at the pair and saw Thranduil doing the same. Apparently, he was yet to spot the dwarf in his presence.
Eventually, Araniel let go of her son and turned her attention to me.
"Thank you for keeping him safe, "
"If I'm honest I think he was the one keeping me safe, " I smiled to Legolas.
"Who are you?" Thranduil questioned standing from his throne and looking at Gimli.
"He is a friend Ada, " Legolas said.
"I am Gimli son of Gloin. I was sent by King Thorin to the counsel of Elrond with Anastasia and then became part of the fellowship tasked with destroying the enemies weapon, " Gimli said looking at Thranduil in the eye. Thranduil eyed him suspiciously and with a small amount of surprise for Gimli hadn't actually been rude to him nor aggressive.
"You succeeded in your mission then?" Araniel questioned.
"We did," I answered.
"Then this is a time for celebration!" She exclaimed.
"It is but we can't stay long I'm afraid. You see our friend Aragorn is being coronated soon and he has requested we be there as well as you and King Thranduil. My Father has also been invited and so we must tell him and get back to Gondor," I explained.
"You are quite busy aren't you,"
"Indeed Naneth," Legolas said coming to stand next to me.
Araniel showed us to our rooms for the night and told us to get some rest before joining herself and Thranduil for dinner.
Araniel had shown us to three separate rooms but one she had left I snuck off to Legolas'.
"When are we going to tell them Legolas?" I asked flopping on the bed. The room looked well used and had some small trinkets you would expect a child to own.
"Soon Annie. I just don't know how to tell my father," he sighed.
"Hey. It'll be fine, " I said walking over to Legolas and looking up at him. I hugged him and felt him wrap his arms gently around me.
"I'm sure your Naneth will be happy for us. Perhaps we should tell her first, "
"Perhaps, " Legolas repeated.
"So I this you're old room?" I asked.
"It is. It's the same room I've had since I was a child, "
"That explains the old toys on the bookshelf, " I said.
There was a knock at the door.
"Legolas," Araniel called.
"Yes, Naneth, "
"May I speak with you?" She asked.
"Of course, "
Araniel entered the room and seemed a little surprised to find me there as well. By the time Araniel had entered I had moved away from Legolas and sat back on the bed.
"Hello Anastasia," she smiled. I gave a small wave.
"What was it you wanted to talk about Naneth?" Legolas asked.
"Well I was actually going to talk to you about Anastasia but it seems you've found her on your own, "She smirked.
I gave Araniel a quizzical look.
"I knew you two were meant to be since I saw you together," she said
"Well it seems you were quite right, " I said knowing Legolas was my One.
"And she did propose to me Naneth. It's just what Ada will think. I know we would need his approval," Legolas said.
"Come can tell him now but you might want these first, " She said pulling out two pretty silver rings.
"Dont we need both families present before exchanging these?" Legolas asked as Araniel gave them to Legolas.
"Yes but usually it is between two elven families. So you're going to have to try and embrace both Elvish and Dwarvish traditions," Araniel said.
"The dwarvish side of things can be dealt with when we get to Erebor and after we have dealt with my father. Im still not sure how he would react to us," I said gesturing between Legolas and myself.
"One problem at a time. Thranduil is in the library, "
She walked out of the room and Legolas and I tentatively followed.
What confused me more than anything as I walked was how nervous I felt. I had been through so much yet I still felt nervous about telling Thranduil.

We entered the library. I was in awe of the beautifully decorated bookshelves and the rows and rows of books that sat proudly on each one.
Thranduil was sat in an armchair at an obscure angle.
"My love, will you ever learn to sit normally?" Araniel asked.
Thranduil glanced up from his book to his wife with a smile.
"I haven't changed in the 3000 years we have been together what makes you think I will change now?" Thranduil inquired.
I smiled at the exchange then looked to Legolas who was already smiling down at me. I looked away.
"You just look beautiful," he answered.
"Even with the massive scar across my face, " I asked removing my gaze from the floor.
"You will always be beautiful to me, " he replied.
"So what is it that you have come to tell me?" Thranduil questioned.
"Anastasia and I are betrothed, Ada," he said before taking my hand and gently sliding one of the silver rings into my finger. He handed me the other which I put on his finger.
I smiled up at him forgetting for a moment that there were others in the room.
"And what if I didn't approve, " Thranduil asked.
"Then we would not ask you to attend the wedding Ada, " Legolas answered.
Thranduil smiled.
"You have clearly won over my son completely Anastasia," he said to me.
"And he has done the same to me," I replied.
"Now, I believe celebration is in order, " Araniel said with a smirk clapping her hands together.
The evening in Mirkwood had been amazing. I had gotten to know Araniel and Thranduil better and learnt a little more about what my mother was like whilst she was here. According to both Araniel and Thranduil, I resembled her greatly and not just because of the purple eyes. Gimli had gotten considerably drunk which was to be expected. By the end of the night, I wasn't exactly sober but I wasn't as bad as my friend.
At the end of the night, Legolas walked me back to our room. I found myself smiling and playing with the small silver band on my finger.
"Did you ever think we would end up like this?" I asked not looking away from the ring.
"Not at first. I knew I felt something for you when we first met but it wasn't until I saw you in Rivendel. That was when I knew I wanted for us to end up where we are now "

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