Chapter 23: Rohan

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The riders rode around us in circles drawing closer and closer until they stopped forming a tight circle around us brandishing their weapons.

"What business does an elf, a dwarf and two women have in the riddlemark?" A man with long blonde hair asked.

"Give me your name horse master and I'll give ya mine, " was Gimli's response.

"I would cut your head off, dwarf. If it stood but a little higher from the ground, " he remarked getting off his horse.

"You would die before your stroke fell, " Legolas said knocking an arrow.

The Rohirrim edge closer with the weapons and Aragorn's sister stepped in front of the man. I put a hand on Legolas' shoulder and shook my head. Legolas lowered his bow as Aragorn spoke tot he man saying
"I am Aragorn son of Arathorn, this is Gimli son of gloin, Legolas of the Woodland realm, Anastasia daughter of Thorin and Princess of Erebor and finally this is-"

"An old friend. If I may call myself that, " She cut her brother off turning to the man whose face lit up in surprise.
"You, "
"Me, "
I smiled at the two they were clearly happy to see each other although neither would actually say that. They stared at each other until Aragorn broke their moment with a cough.

"We are friends of King Theoden, " he said.

"King Theoden no longer recognises friends from foe, " the man said with a hint of sadness.

"Saruman had poisoned the mind of the King and claimed Lordship over this land. My company are those loyal to Rohan and for that, we are banished. The white wizard is cunning. He walks here and there, they say, as an old man, hooded and cloaked, and everywhere his spies slip past our nets, " he explained.

"You seem to have lost all hope in your King, " the woman acknowledged.

"We are not spies. We track a pack of Uruks heading westward they have taken two of our friends captive, " Aragorn explained.

"We slaughtered the Uruks in the night, "

"Did ya see two hobbits, " Gimli questioned.

"They would've only seemed like children to you. Please say you've seen them, " I said worriedly.

"We left none alive. We piled the carcasses and burned them, " the man said jabbing a thumb behind him. I looked in the direction and saw the smoke swimming through the air like a sickness.

"Dead, " Gimli said sadly.
"They can't be, " a tear slipped down my cheek. They couldn't be dead surely.
The man whistled and two horses were brought forward

"May these serve you better than there former masters."

We all got ready to ride. I moved away from the Rohirrim with M who shifted into his larger self. I hopped on "Thanks boy, " I smiled. Legolas and Gimli joined us on one of the horses we had been given.

"How does it feel to be up this high Gimli?" I teased.

"Be quiet Anastasia, " was his response. I smiled. Aragorn joined us after that and we waited for his sister who was talking to the man.

"They certainly have a connection, " I said. "But I don't think either of them are going to do anything about it."

"I agree but that reminds me of another pair I know. Both are in love but neither will do anything about it, " he smirked and Gimli gave a short of agreement.

"L time to go, " Aragorn called.
"So that's her name. L?" I asked.

"It's her initial she's always been secretive when it comes to her name, " he explained.
L eventually rode over on her horse.
"I apologise for the delay but I couldn't just leave without apologising to him for my bad decisions in the past, "
"No problem, " I smiled.
We rode toward the smoke and I hopped off M when we were close enough and ran for the pile. Scanning it eagerly and hopefully for we sign of them. Gimli joined and stars to shift some of the charred bodies. He grasped something pulled put something.
"It's one of their wee belts, " he said. I felt deflated and sad.
"Hiro îth...ab 'wanath..., " I heard Legolas say from behind me.
"May they find peace in death, " I repeated.
Aragorn let out a cry of frustration as he sent a helmet flying through the air.

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