Chapter Twelve: Do You Remember? Part 1

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Nialla's POV

So, this days I've been hanging out with my friend from Egypt and his girlfriend Isis, I am so happy they are around...Jake is kind of busy this days beacuse the wolfpack needed him so he was doing his job. With my grandma I think each day the situation gets worse and that is so sad for me...My powers are all coming very well for me I feel complete when I am using them, Benjamin is also helping me to train some powers I have and I think is really sweet of him to do that...


"Hey Isis"



"Are you going to prom?"

"Well I don't know"


"Two reasons: I don't have a date and I don't have a dress"

"We can work on that"

"No maybe we can't trut me"

"Oh c'mon there is something we can do"

"No, the only thing we can do is go to class so"

"Okay let's go"

"Hey where is your boyfriend?"


"No, Robert of course Khalid"

"I don't know maybe he is doing something"

"Something like what?"

Khalid's POV

I am walking to this house I just hope everything stays under control...I knock the door.

"Who are you? And what do you want?"

A teenage boy opened the door and I saw other faces looking at me this is the wolfpack.

"Ah, my name is Khalid and I am searching for Jacob"

"I am Jacob"

"Well I know I don't belong here but I wanted to talk to you about Nialla"




"Enter vampire but don't make any weird move"

"I wont I promise"

I enter the house and I sit in a big table where all the wolves where looking at me.

"Do you want something?"-A young lady ask me.

"Can you give me a little of water please?"



"I am half human half vampire"


"So what is going on with Nialla?"

"The other days my family and I where with her to take her home but before we got there some vampires appeard and try to fight with us, luckly Nills ws training so she finish them in no time but the point is that I talk with my dad and now the Volturis are going crazy so they told to every vampire in the world that if they found Nialla for some reason they will have to bring her to them and then that vampire is going to be a Volturi"

"So you mean is like a prize?"


"I don't get it how they want to be a bad vampire"-Embry said

"Well to be a Volturi is like an honor so I guess that's why"

"The Cullen's know about this?"-Sam said

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