Chapter 1

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Song of the Chapter: Titanium (the Jasmine Thompson cover)

Chapter One

Addie’s POV

I jumped into my car and quickly locked the doors, my heart plummeting in my chest. I didn’t even know a heart could beat that fast. I couldn’t get air into my lungs and after a while, I was hyperventilating. I curled my fingers around my steering wheel, biting my lip and shakily putting my key into the ignition. I couldn’t get out of that parking lot quick enough. I’d even ran out of the market after seeing him. I’d ducked down, hiding in the toy section until he left. I no longer saw his Jeep in the parking lot and I tried to convince myself that everything would be fine. I still couldn’t get my breathing under control. No matter what, I couldn’t. So instead of even trying, I drove nervously back to the safety of my home.


“He won’t get close to you baby. I promise. He can’t come within fifty feet of you.”

I nodded, tucking my head into the crook of my mother’s shoulder. She was my stepmom but to me she was my mom. Sometimes I felt as though she was the only person who could help me return to the person I used to be even for a minute.

“He didn’t come near you sweetie, did he?”

I shook my head helplessly, tears welling in my eyes. I just wanted this to be over. I didn’t want to feel this way any longer. My brother, Daniel came into my room as I cried on my mom’s shoulder.

“What happened?” he asked protectively.

My mom stroked my hair and I felt the mattress sink in as Daniel sat down beside us asking what happened again.

“It’s nothing Danny. She just saw him at the store and got a little scared. Everything’s okay.”

“What? You saw him? Addie I will…I will kill him if he even looked at you. Did he try something?”

“No.” I whispered helplessly.

He looked at me skeptically for a moment before nodding and wrapping a strong, protective arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him feeling safe for the first time in a very long time. I knew that I wouldn’t sleep tonight, not that I ever did.



I jerked awake before I disrupted anyone else’s sleep. The nightmares were regular and were persistent in making me even more anxious than I already was.


I jumped at the sound of the voice but relaxed into the mattress after realizing that it was only my father. I pressed a hand to my sweaty forehead, sighing.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I woke anybody.”

“Nah, I was already up. I’m worried about you Addison.”

“I’m okay. I promise.”

“No. I just…you are my only daughter. I feel like I’ve failed you Addie. I didn’t protect you like I should’ve and now everything has changed. Everything is different. You’re different. Granted, you have every right to shut down. I just don’t want you to push us away.”

I was grateful for the dark room because I had tears in my eyes that I couldn’t control.

“Dad, I love you.” I said, hugging him.

I wasn’t sure what else to say. I didn’t have much to say so I hugged him instead of speaking. His arms were strong around me and I would be completely and totally surprised if he ever let me out of his sight again.

Harry’s POV

 “You like our new house?”

I smiled at my mum. We’d been living in America for about six months and it actually wasn’t so bad. Oregon wasn’t so bad. I’d even started to catch myself talking like an American at times. At first we stayed at some run down hotel but that got way too expensive so we finally found a house.

“Yeah mum. It’s great.” I said, nodding.

My high school was pretty cool and I immediately found some friends that I clicked with. I still didn’t know most of the senior class. I was happy to be in my last year of school but I wasn’t sure what exactly I would do after graduation. My mum joked about kicking me out of the house but I knew she wouldn’t dare. She could never kick me out.

“You staying in tonight?” my mum asked, looking over at me as she cooked something on the stovetop.

I glanced around at all of the cardboard boxes we’d yet to unpack.

“Of course. We have to do something with all of this crap.” I said, motioning around the living room.

My mum laughed and I began to help her in the kitchen. She’d sent Gemma out to the store to get her some headache medicine but my sister couldn’t cook anyway. My mum and I were the only cooks in the family. My mum had mentioned one time that my father used to cook but I barely remember him at all. He’d died when I was about four years old.

“My little chef Harry.”

“Mum, that’s embarrassing.” I said, dodging her as she tried to ruffle my hair.

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