Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Addie's POV

Daniel called us at six-thirty wanting to know if we'd go out to eat with him, Leah, and Jeremy. Jeremy was a goofy guy that I'd known forever. He was a major partier but an all-around great guy. He'd always teased me and he and Daniel had always been good friends.

"So...this Jeremy guy, what's he like?"

I looked up at Harry, biting my lip.

"Uh...he's really cool. I think you'll like him." I smiled.

Harry returned the smile, nodding at me and getting up off the couch to begin getting ready. I was watching him walk to the bedroom before he turned around, scooped me up off the couch and slug me effortlessly over his shoulder.

"What in the actual hell are you doing?"

"I'm carrying you to the bedroom, duh!"


"Because I want to. We have to get ready."

"Yes we do, and I don't need you carrying me." I giggled.

"Okay, then." He chuckled, throwing me down onto the bed's plush mattress.

I rolled my eyes as he walked away and into the bathroom. That boy is crazy, but I love him a lot. I sat on the bed, smiling to myself for nearly ten minutes before Harry stuck his head out of the bathroom door. His hair was damp from his quick shower and I hadn't even begun changing out of my pajamas.

"Add, you're still in your pajamas. As much as I love them, we have to get ready. Do you need the shower because you could have just taken one with me?" he winked, stepping out of the bathroom.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, seeing him in nothing but his boxers. He was so muscular and tan. I couldn't take my eyes off him as he fumbled through his suitcase for a black t-shirt. His muscles rippled beneath his skin as he pulled it over his head. It was a shame to not be able to see his beautiful nakedness for much longer.

"Addie, go get ready!"

"Right." I chuckled, hurrying into the bathroom with my clothes.

I sighed and leaned up against the counter.

Damn, that boy is fine.


"Addison? Wow, I haven't seen you in a long time. Last year, maybe?"

"Hi Jeremy, it's good to see you."

Before I knew it, I was being wrapped into a hug by Jeremy. He was being even friendlier than usual. I pulled away from Jeremy after a moment. I hadn't seen him in a long time, considering he lived an hour away from us. I looked around the restaurant, attempting to avoid Harry's eyes. He probably didn't like that Jeremy hugged me but I knew that he wouldn't make a big deal about it. He probably wouldn't even mention it. That's just how Harry is. He doesn't like to upset people.

"Um...this is my boyfriend, Harry. Harry, this is Jeremy."

"Nice to meet you." Harry said politely, shaking hands with Jeremy.

"Yeah, you too." Jeremy nodded, sending him a tight lipped smile.

As we followed a waitress to our table, I felt Harry's arm tighten around my waist, pulling me to him. I looked up into those beautiful emerald eyes and smiled. He returned it, before kissing my forehead.

"I swear you guys are too cute."

My cheeks heated at Leah's words. I still couldn't believe that I was Harry's girlfriend. I couldn't believe that he was in love with me. Me! This week is going to be perfect. I can feel it in my bones. When we were seated at the table, I felt Harry's hand rest on my thigh. He squeezed, leaning in to press a kiss to my cheek.

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