Chapter 9

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Song of the Chapter: I Will Be There by Odessa

Chapter Nine

Harry’s POV

It killed me. It literally killed me to sit there and watch her while she told me about what happened to her. I wanted to find him a beat the shit out of him. I wanted him to pay. In court they didn’t have enough evidence to convict. Some of Darren’s low life friends back at the party covered his ass. I wanted to find him. My body craved a fight with this asshole. He brought her so far down that she didn’t want to live and I wanted more than anything to bring her all the way back up again, to save her.

Nothing happened between us that night. I didn’t kiss her because she was so shaken up. When I dropped her off, all I did was pull her into a long hug and tell her goodnight. I asked if she wanted a ride to school Monday but she said that Marshall was picking her up. That kind of pissed me off but I tried to just let it go for now. Addie and I weren’t together in that way so really I had no choice but to let her pick her own friends.

“Okay but I will see you at school though, right?”


I nodded and got back into my truck, not leaving until she was safe inside. For the rest of the night, I couldn’t sleep. The story kept running over and over again through my brain. I couldn’t even think straight. Addie had become my best friend and now she was something more. I couldn’t just ignore what had happened to her. I cared about this girl and knowing that somebody stole her innocence away, killed me. Addie was a virgin, a fucking virgin and that prick just took it from her. I won’t ever be able to forget that. I really didn’t even want her to be alone if I could help it. Something made me want to be around her all the time. After a moment, my phone beeped.

Addie: You’re probably not awake, are you?

Me: You’re in luck.

Addie: I’m sorry about tonight. I didn’t mean to ruin our time.

Me: You didn’t. Can I call you?

Addie: Sure.

I didn’t waste any time. I quickly dialed her number and she answered on the first ring.

“Hey.” I said before she really even answered.

“Hey.” She replied in a low voice.

I could hear her breathing and I had the urge to be with her so that I could hold her hand. I liked having her hand in mine.

“You couldn’t sleep either?” she asked.

“No, not a chance. I was just thinking about…”

“I know.” She interrupted.

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