Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

Addie's POV

I woke up on Saturday morning with several text messages and miscalls, all from Harry. I quickly scrolled through the texts, feeling my heart drop. Every ounce of anger that I possessed the night before was gone, replaced with this undeniable desire to see him and hug him, assuring him that I just got a little flustered the night before.

I knew I was never actually mad at him, only a little frustrated, mostly having to do with the fact that he brought up Britney, knowing my feelings towards her.

Harry: I'm really sorry, baby. I love you and I was such a dick tonight. I was stupid and wrong to get angry with you. I want you to hang out with your friends and have fun with them. I guess sometimes I do get a little jealous. I'm not making excuses. This is just kind of a new concept for me. I don't like being jealous and I handled it the wrong way. I was such a dick. I'm sorry. I love you. <3

Harry: I guess you're sleeping right now. Anyway, I really miss you right now and I wish you were here with me. I can't sleep. :/

I frowned as I read his text, wondering how long he'd been up and what he'd done to get sleep...if he had at all. My nerves got the best of me but I resisted the urge to call him, instead searching for an entirely different contact. Pressing the small, green button to call him, my heart started pounding against my ribcage.

"Addie?" he answered after a few rings and thoughts that this was the worst idea began to consume my every thought.

"Yeah, it's me."

"Look, you told me everything you wanted me to hear last night. I think I've got it; to just leave you alone."

"No...that's not...I didn't mean it like that Jake. It's just...Marshall is my best friend, okay? If he was talking to Darren then he was either one; threatening his life or two; tricking him into doing something. No one hates Darren Flennes like Marshall does."

"That's not true." Jake whispered and I could just barely hear him.

He was breathing heavily on the other end and after a few moments, I heard a high-pitched giggle from a female voice. I rolled my eyes at that, knowing he had answered while there was a girl in his bed.

"You sound busy. I'll just let you..."

"No! That's not what you think. That's my sister, honestly. You probably don't believe me but it's true. My sister barged in my room wanting me to play this game on her IPod but I can't get past level one to save my life."

"Oh..." I muttered, feeling stupid for even making assumptions.

I wanted to ask him about last night, if he was still feeling the same but I couldn't get the words out. Instead, the line was silent and it felt more than awkward, neither of us daring to say a thing. After about a minute, I thought about just hanging up, but Jake had started talking again.

"Addie, I'm not going to say that I'm sorry for last night because I still think you should hear me out. Marshall hasn't been himself for months now and I really think something's up. Maybe he isn't friends with Darren like I think, but something-whether you want to believe it or not-is going on with him. I just want you to be careful and I have practice all this week. The game is in about three days and Harry will be leaving then. If Darren still wants to get to you, that night will be the perfect time to..."

"Jake, please stop." I whispered, not knowing how much more I could honestly take before my nerves were completely shot.

"I'm sorry Jake but I'm really sick of everyone telling me what I should and shouldn't do. I am a girl who got raped. I get that. I'm damaged or screwed up or whatever, but I'm still a smart person and I'm not doing anything wrong by going to that game. There will be principals and teachers. My friends are going and my brother. It's going to be fine. Please just play basketball and don't worry about me."

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