Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

Jake's POV**

When I kissed her, my mind was clouded and for that split second, I wasn't thinking clearly or rationally at all. I knew that Harry would kill me but he would be even more upset that she ran out, alone and pissed. I tugged harshly on my roots, standing immediately from my position on the floor and hauling ass to the living room. Running through the large area, I looked everywhere for the familiar face but I knew in my heart that she'd left.


Gemma's head whipped around she immediately took several steps so that she was standing in front of me.

"Gemma, Addie's gone! I kissed her and she's gone. I don't...I don't know I...dammit...I'm..."

Panic took over her features, eyes darkening and she pulled keys out of her pocket, tugging on my arm, Phil jogging behind us as we pushed past the people assembled in the kitchen. I felt a harsh tug on my arm and turned to find Phil, a look of panic sweeping over his face.

"I'm going to stay here in case she didn't leave. I'll look for her, okay?"

I nodded, holding eye contact with him because I couldn't leave until he knew how important this was, how crucial it was the we found her and found her soon.

"Look, we have to find her, Phil. This girl...I can't take something happening to her again. Please just..."

"I know. Gem told me." He nodded and I finally turned to find Gem nodding, now tugging at my arm to pull me through the door where kids I didn't even know were entering into my house.

I ignored what would happen to my parent's place, too preoccupied to care about anything other than finding the girl who had left the party because of me. I knew that I was a dead man if I didn't find her but more than that; I knew that I had to find her or else I would never forgive myself as long as I lived. My feelings had developed all throughout high school but I wasn't about to steal her away from my best friend. The kiss was already weighing on my mind and I couldn't stop thinking about how big of a mistake it was.

"Get in the fucking car and stop zoning out!" Gemma nearly screamed and I tugged open the rusty door, quickly stepping into the car as I slid my finger across the glass screen of my iPhone in an attempt to unlock it.

Quickly tapping on my contacts, I searched for Addie's number and hit the green call button as my heartrate picked up, my breathing ragged and irregular. When static was heard on the other end of the line, I immediately stopped breathing, biting down harshly on my lower lip as I tried to figure out what the sound was. Putting the call on speaker, Gem glanced at me, fear flooding her eyes. I listened carefully, hearing what sounded like heavy breathing before the static reemerged.


I waited, listening carefully for voices but all I could hear was the breathing, the shuffling sound letting me know that the phone was being moved around frantically. Knitting my brows together, I refused to end the call, waiting and waiting until a shrill voice scared the living daylights out of me.

"Jake!" the voice screamed and tears pricked my eyes.

"Addie! Addie, what's..."

Before I could say another thing, the call was ended from her end and Gem revved the engine, squealing the tires and continuing to drive with her brights on. I quickly tried to call her back but the call was immediately directed to voicemail, leaving a panicky feeling residing inside my being.

"Shit." I cursed and tugged at my roots, trying to gather my thoughts and think as rationally as I could, trying to come up with the best game plan.

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